
Tuesday, September 30, 2003

Another school... 

This morning I went to meet with a taecher at Mutsu Kogyuko (Technical High School). The school isn`t too far from my apartment, so I can get there either by bus or bicycle (and, prayerfully soon, by car). The school seemed really laid back. And I was informed that my lessons can be on whatever I want b/c the students` levels of English are very low. They said `you don`t have to worry about University entrance exams or anything, so you can do what you would like. We don`t want to use Japanese... *music to my ears* just games and conversation is good!` YAY! So this will be a change from my current (main) school where 2 of the 3 levels I teach are very much stuck on doing exactly what is in the book (with small modifications) even if the students do not know anything at the end of a lesson. I will only be at the technical school maybe 1 - 2 times a month, so it will not be too much pressure.

After visiting the technical HS, my supervisor and I stopped by a car dealership to look at used cars. I saw one that was pretty cool. I am tempted to see if I can learned to drive a manual, b/c it will be cheaper (I don`t know if I want to deal with the roll-back though). So we received and estimate on thecar and the said that he will throw in some snow tires for FREE! *music to my ears*

We had an earthquae drill not too long ago, so my day is mostly over...one more bell to go ina bout 15 minutes *music to my ears*


Monday, September 29, 2003

Moving, moving, moving... 

My students in my 3-6 class pointed out that we were having another earthquake during clas today. I didn`t feel it until I sat down. I am getting used to this already.

So the welcome party this weekend was a lot of fun. My students represented a lot. All of the H.S. students in attendence were my students. I found out that many of my students talk about me outside of school with their parents and friends. One student`s parent (whose child I have never met or taught) told me that the student talks about me all the time. She said that they think I am great and that I always dress very nice and wear colorful scarves to school. The parent also pointed out that out that I am in very good shape! (Nothing is a `bad` is a thing to talk about here) She said `most foreigner women I meet are out of shape, but you, you are great...very nice shape`. Overall I had a good time.

I had my first karoke experience on Saturday too! We went to the U.S. of K! : United States of Karoke. I had a really, really great time. I only planned on staying for a little bit and getting my money`s worth (specifically b/c it was nomi-ho-dai [all you can drink] and I paid 3,050 YEN)...but I ended up leaving teh karaoke place with everyone else at 3AM. It was cool and even though I could use (a lot! of) vocal training, everyone said that my singing was jouzu (excellent)!

SIDE NOTE: My bad to Mr. Grumping, Stephanie, and Shannita...I deleted the 09/22 Post by accident (when I was trying to fix my moblog glitch), so your comments were deleted. But guess what...you can always comment on other things...peace ;)

Friday, September 26, 2003

today's view of the rising sun!
as of 6:30 pm the tsunami watch was lifted. YAY! so prayerfully i wont have any more bumps or earthquakes.

Once again it`s On! 

Just had another quake...probably an after shock. I wonder if this will go on for the rest of the day or will my earthy welcome party end.

peace and many, many blessings! this sistah was not, I repeat was NOT ready for the earthquakes that we had this morning. The first one at 4:50 AM rolled me out of bed to a moving apartment. I was caught completely off guard, and honestly...I was scared. The ground was shaking and I was shaking (nerves). There were a series of tsunamis off the coast of Hokkaido, which of course reached Mutsu City (and even further south). You know, in the US, I have experienced those baby ones that could almost not exist b/c no one notices them until they watch the news. But this first one went on for what seemed like a couple of minutes. When it was over, I went to the hall and asked my neighbor daijoubudesuka? (is it/are you alright?) and he asked the same. (SIDE NOTE: I didn`t know that he knew some English either, but that`s besides the point) I went back inside and turned off my gas, b/c although that was the first thing I tried to do when I felt the moving, I was so shocked I couldn`t manage to get it closed. When turned the TV on and saw that more earthquakes/tsunamis were on their way, I layed back down on my futon and tried to sleep until the next one.

But I was ready for whatever level the next one would be b/c I finally and quickly put together my earthquake bag after the first one. It was something I even said maybe yesterday that I needed to do. My school even had an earthquake simulation planned for Tuesday. So the second one came around 6:08 AM and I was ready. I got up and grabbed my bag and went by my table (it`s a tiny kotatsu, but I can fit under it if needed) and opened the veranda door. It only lasted for a bout 30 secs. (I think) but the magnitude was about the same as the first. They say that they were about 7.8 and 7.0 on the Richter Scale (about a 6 on the Japanese seismic scale).

`Welcome to Nihon` that`s what the earth said this morning. It is a beautiful day still. A sistah is just tired b/c I didn`t go to bed until a couple of hours b4 the first earthquake. Oh and don`t think that the folx here are phased by this (even though these were larger than usual). The teacher`s meeting went according to plan and I have to do 3 back-to-back lessons with junior high school students today to expose them to our intensive English course(s) Language Laboratory. I guess, even if things were a bit off, I would still have to come to school b/c that is where people go in states of emergency, the school or the athletic club.


(So...I will try to post today...blogger has been trippin recently...i think)

Since this is my diary, I guess I can be completely honest by saying that I think (a small portion of) my mission in Japan is to cultivate pink energy and obtain as many items in pink as possible. Now I didn't have anything against pink before, but since I have been here, the pink factor has increased drastically... ketai (cell phone), sneakers, iron, yarn, sweater, futon... What can I say...I am in the land of Hello Kitty..where you can get a pink stove, rice cooker, iron and anything else that your pink-craving heart desires.

I have yet another Welcome Party (it's probably like my 10th in total, but about my 3rd in Mutsu) on Saturday. It wil be hosted by the Shimokita International Friendship Association (or as described by someone else, the "old ladies that like us" club). It should be cool. This will also be a great opportunity to meet more people in the community. I may be beginning and eikaiwa (conversation class) soon and I want/need to learn some Japanese arts (pottery, calligraphy, tea ceremony, taiko (sp?) drumming, etc.). I know the right folx will be there.

Made some of my great popcorn today! It was good (but I think the moisture made it stale very quick).

Wednesday, September 24, 2003

Tuesday (Sept. 23) was the Autumnal Equinox...so that means it was a holiday. I went to Aomori City to celebrate a friends EARTHday. It was cool. I got there early, so I had a chance to check out the mall right outside of the train station. A lot of stores, a lot of money...a lot of looking! I found a yarn store though! YAY!!! with different yrans AND they carry NORO Yarn. I have been trying to find some since I've been here...especially since Eisaku Noro is Japanese. After walking around, I went to the CD shop and bought the new Erykah Badu, went to the print club booth (major stuff here in J...the booths where you take a lot of pictures and decorate them), went to check check my e-mail (for FREE!), lost the new Erykah Badu CD...what?! YES! Lost the CD that I bought less than a 1/2 hour before. I have no idea where it went. I don't know what happened to it. I had it with all of my other bags, but for some reason, that one disappeared...so I had to go back to the store and spend another 2,049 YEN to get the CD. I got the Japanese release that had two bonus tracks. I am happy with it...I have heard the bonus tracks before, but I don't have them, so it worked out for the best.

As can be seen below, I can moblog now, but my pics are not showing up, so I have to figure that part out! SIDE NOTE: I was asked to Let's Bowling today, but it was last minute...(like this morning) to go tonight....I actually considered going, but I wasn't up to it..I wanted to go home and relax. Then I also felt like my mood would be reflected in my score, and we don't want the lowest score, do we?! (no we DON'T...especially when we know what it means...see post from the beginning of Sept.)

When I went to Aomori City we took our friend to an Indian restaurant (Japanese style). It was pretty good. I had the coconut based curry (I usually do NOT like this one), but it was good. So I now have a restaurant to put on my list of "places I can eat". YAY!

Sunday, September 21, 2003

it is getting colder, COLDer, COLDER!

I saw the funniest show that I have seen in Japan tonight. Well it wasn't the whole show, but a segment that they showed. It is a stand-up comedy/talk show/trivia show...very difficult to describe. But anyway... they have a native English speaker on teh show and he did a segment where he offered an eikaiwa (English Conversation Course) to people who wanted it. His overall aim was to see if this particular group of people could learn and retain what he taught them in the class. He tested it by sending them as a group (with cameras follwoing them) to an English-speaking country as tourists. THIS was hilarious...it just was...it reminded me of myself at the times when I went to some stores and had no idea what people were talking about. I laughed soooooooo hard it was ridiculous!

Saturday, September 20, 2003

so...time for a post...my (upstairs) neighbors' children were playing taiko drums with their feet on the floor VERY LOUDLY! Oh! How nice of them to expose me to their version of Japanese Culture. But it's all good..all children run around and make noise with their feet whenever possible.

I went to a Tea Party today! I had a good time. The conversation was good (it got past the usual "introductory" type and vegetarian-esque questions). I didn't know it was going to be a tea party... I just knew it was potluck. I can actually say that I had a bit too many sweets today... I really ate just not to offend after a while (because I didn't eat much prior to the party then having only sweets in your stomach is not the greatest feeling)...but it was good. One of the teachers at my school organized it to welcome me. Before I left the US a friend said to me "you are one of the most celebrated people I know"...in continuing on with that tradition, 2 Welcome parties down...several more to go. YAY! ME!

My students participated in a Speech Contest on Thursday in Aomori City. I was very proud of them. They did a great job! This is one of those times when I truly felt like "winning was not the important part" because it was good to see their improvements. To see them go up on stage in front of the audience was great, especially since it is difficult to get the average student to speak in class. From this contest, I feel like I can help them even more for the next competition b/c I know the style of the competition and what to expect.

I made some soup today! I did not like it...waHHHHH! But it's cool though. I'll doctor it up tomorrow. I really was in the mood for lentil soup, but I made something else instead.

SIDE NOTE: Is it me or is my side bar tripppin'!

Tuesday, September 16, 2003

It`s another beautiful day! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, September 15, 2003

This weekend was GREAT! I stayed in Aomori-ken and went to the Tsugaru Region of the Shimokita Peninsula. I headed down to HIrosaki City, then over to Goshogawara, then to Shiura Village, then back down to Kuroishi City...it was soooooo beautiful this weekend (specifically today)! Clear blue sky, green mountains, bright sun....it was great!

I was talking with another sistah saying: This is such a wonderful blessing to be able to enjoy this day! When we are running around with full schedule of "Thangs to Do", we don't even take the time to enjoy nature and what she has to offer. When I went to Shiura Village my friend took me out for a drive. The weather was not as great as today (it was actually cloudy and windy), but we went anyway... I heard something about a typhoon the night before from some foreigners, but people in the J were not studyin' that. So we drove up the coast and looked at the mountains. We were going to walk along the beach, but the tide was extremely high...very close to the bank by the road, so we just observed. We then checked out a water fall and walked up it a bit...but b/c of the wind we decided not to go too far up. We were going to check out a natural arch, but we decided not to because we did not want to see this brown girl in the "metro section" of the J-Times or something like that for falling of the side of a mountain due to high winds!

And all of that was yesterday. Today we took it easy and went to a vintage shop this afternoon, then we headed down to Kuroishi for a bbq. We hung out there for a couple of hours then headed out so I could catch my train from Hirosaki to Mutsu.

Saturday, September 13, 2003

So I ended up not going to Sapporo :( It worked out well b/c I didn`t have to spend 3+ man (30,000 YEN = $300...approx.) to just get there. I could go to Kyushu with that money. I will go next month or some other time. I am in Goshogawara right now, and I was in Hirosaki this afternoon. I may head somewhere else later on this evening, but who knows....that`s teh good thing with not having plans... you can do what you like whenever you like!

As I mentioned, I am not at home, so for dinner I plan on doing my `usual` meal that anyone would like : Broccolli, carrots and corn stir-fried over brown rice! YAY!!!!!! Broccolli!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, September 12, 2003

Today was SPORTS DAY and it was great. I couldn't tell, but I think my team (yellow) came in third place. Overall it was fun. The event was great for cultivating unity and spirit for the school, and more specifically the students. After the usual beginning speeches, we did rajio taisou. Rajio taisou is the excercise routine that every school aged child has to do for years and years. So there we were (all 800+ of us) doing the same exercise to the rajio taisou music that is the same at every school. It would be kind of fun (for me..i think) to do them every day like the elementary school aged children.

For the most part, all I did all day was cheer on some teams and look athletic. I got married in the process too! Well, sort of. The one event I participated in was the Shinkonsan Irashai (Welcome Newlyweds). It was an obstacle course that required a husband (the math teacher and soccer coach) and a wife (me!). It was cool because we figured how we were going to do everything and it worked out great. Until....we got about 7 feet from the finish line...we got a bit ambitious and moved too fast during the three legged race. And what other way can we drum up some school spirit other than having Takeyah-sensei fall down (in front of all 800+ attendees) a few feet from the finish line. : ( It was hilarious though! I was cracking up! It was cool and I wasn't even embarassed at all. We ended up coming in third.

So now my right elbow, shoulder and knee have (more) bruises, i.e. scars to remember the experience by! hahahaha *LOL* It was good though. Everyone at the school participated so people were not busy and running around like our usual days. I was able to speak with teachers and students that I hadn't spoken to before. Of course there was an after-the-Sports-Festival-enkai, but I didn't go b/c I wanted to get home before it rain on me and my bicycle. I thought I was going out of town, so I signed up for the enkai for Wednesday only. But since the Sports Day was moved to today, the enkai was moved to today, but I didn't sign up and I wasn't sure of my plans so I ended up staying home.

All I have to say is : Green Leaf Lettuce Salad with Annie's Naturals Goddess Dressing!

Thursday, September 11, 2003

Today was wonderful. I have been teaching an additional class "Current English" (which is basically a debate of current events in English class). Today's lesson was Part 2 of the two-part lesson. In Part 1, I had the studenst choose a side then provide reasons why they chose that side as a group. Today we listed those reasons on the board, then I actually got them to debate. Now, it may seem minor but this was MAJOR! I began by saying one point, then getting the other team to to find one of their points to oppose what I said. I was debating for both sides and playing devil's advocate. Initially they were not very active, but once they got going, they were into the discussion and even provided more reasons (other than the listed ones). They were debating and asking questions! It was great! The teacher liked and and I could tell the students felt good about it!

The weather was good today, so I am getting ready for the Sports Day/Festival. It rained on Wednesday, so it was moved to Friday. After work, I rode around for a while to parts of town that I haven't been to. It wasn't too exciting, but I'll have to wait until I have more time to ride around. Speaking of riding around...today, I had my first riding the bicycle with a skirt experience. It was cool, but when I got off my bike, my skirt was dirty so I was not pleased with that :(

On to other things...checking my e-mail (not a new thing) and I get and e-mail from the American Embassy in Tokyo:

Public Announcement - Worldwide Caution September 11, 2003
....This Worldwide Caution expires on
February 10, 2004.

With the second anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks upon us, we
are seeing increasing indications that Al-qaida is preparing to strike U.S.
interests abroad. ... We expect Al-qaida will strive for new attacks that will be more
devastating than the September 11 attack, possibly involving nonconventional
weapons such as chemical or biological agents. We also cannot rule out the
potential for Al-qaida to attempt a second catastrophic attack within the
United States....

Give me a break!!! Why are they trying to scare folx and get them worried!

It is funny, b/c I can tell that people here must be talking about me (not necessarily in a bad way) b/c I took a taxi the other day and the driver said "Tanabu English Teacher"...I was like "yes". I was in Lawson's today and the cashier (although I've seen him maybe 8+ times) say "English Teacher"...I was like "hai, Tanabu kokou no sensei desu" (basically, yes). When I went to dinner with a friend's family (woman who owns teh craft store), she mentioned something about where I went the weekend before. I didn't mention it to her, so someone must have said something aboiut my whereabouts. There's no hiding for me...aqt least I got folx watching my back.

I saw foreigners the other day (and actually today, I saw a brotha in Lawsons) while I was shopping. It's interesting b/c I am so accustomed to not seeing gaijins that when I do, I begin to just...look.

My mommy sent me two boxes of food the other day. Yay! Vegan oatmeal chocolate chip cookies for everyone! Wel,...maybe not everyone, but at least for ME! My cabinet are now filled with the staples. I only need to buy fresh veggies and fruits from the market.

Sunday, September 07, 2003

I am SSSSOOOOOOOOOOOOOO blessed! It is wonderful thing to be able to recognize the blessings that I have.

I just returned from Misawa City (lower down in Aomori-ken). I went there on Saturday afternoon. I met up with 2 other JETS in Misawa City. I initially intended on leaving Mutsu by 9 ish so I could get to Misawa by noon, but the taxicabs couldn't find out where I lived (based on what my supervisor told me to tell them), so at 10 AM, I was still in my apartment. So I called the taxi company again, and in about 5 minutes tehy were at my house again. When I arrived at the Shimokita Eki (train station in Mutsu), the next train was at 11:11AM, and it ended up being an express train which put me in Misawa at 12:26PM. That was great because my initial train was not an express train, so I would have been there until 2+ hours later. It was good for my first train ride in J by myself.

The airshow was today, so we went to go somewhere different and explore a little bit more of Japan. We met up with a sister and her husband (who was the pastor at a church). They were very welcoming and helped us set-up a place to stay on the base. She took us around for a good number of hours and we were able to get things that would be a bit more difficult to get off-base. Things just worked out the way they were supposed to...the weather was much cooler than expected, so I was able to buy a peacoat (a cute red one) to keep me warm. I was also able to find a new backpack that I can carry my laptop in. I had to buy lotion b/c my usual oils have not been helping my skin in the J. All I have to say is "DDRRRRYYYYYYYYYY"!

It was very interesting being on the base. The military people literally NEVER have to leave the base and (as we found out) many do not. Therefore they never need or learn to speak Japanese. It was like I was back in the US ... it really was. There was even a Popeye's and a Burger King on base. If I ate animal products and I wanted to bask "in all of its glory", I could have done so in Misawa.

Today, we went to the air show where Japanese people were in full support of the show. There were literally thousands of people there. The day was really great. I thought there would be a lot more foreigners there, but there weren't. It was very interested and wonderful seeing other African folx there! That was a really great thing. I am the only one (I believe) in the Shimikota peninsula, [But hey! I am in Japan] so seeing others was exciting!

On the way back home, I got on the train and headed home. I had to take the train from Misawa to Noheji, then Hoheji back to Shimokita Station. Whilein Noheji station, I look up and see a JET from Mustu, so I ended up getting a ride home! I didn't even expect it. The train and car rides are about the same so I got home maybe 15-20 minutes earlier than expected, but nothing major. So that leaves me here typing in my room.

It's (getting) cold! I am cold as we speak...time to crank up the kotatsu and kerosene heater. A sistah wsill NOT be cold in Japan...okay!

Thursday, September 04, 2003


That`s what I did yesterday with some of my co-workers. It was a lot of fun. It was good because I had the opportunity to interact with some staff that I normally would not be able to. The bowling shoes were the most interesting ones I have worn so far. They were turquoise with pink and purple on the sides (not at ALL like my cute New Balances I bought). I took a photo with my cell phone, I just have to post it later.

[insert photo here]

So the person who bowls the highest score is called the master (just hold that bit of information in your head while I share this story). So the master has to bowl his first ball bbefore anyone else can begin. It was like showing respect to his rank and status since the last game (I don`t know much about universal bowling culture, but the way it was done seemed like a `Japanese` thing, but please correct me if I am wrong). So once we did that, the bowling began. I forewarned my teammates that I have bowled often, however the number of times is no indication of my skill level. So after two `warm-up games` I finally broke the 100 mark! yay!!! So when all four games were over, I still had the lowest scores, which was not a surprise to me.

So, kids, let`s review :

highest score :: master
lowest score :: ??????

SLAVE! So of course, I receive the lowest score! Can you believe that...so I am informed of this title at the end by my supervisor in the car. He said, so, Takeyah-sensei, usually the person with the lowest score has to pour drinks at the bowling after party and plan the next bowling event. This person is called the `slave` but you do not have to do it this time. I did not say much, I just said okay. I was not sure whether I didn`t have to do it because they knew I would be offended by the title or because I was a new teacher. I did not even feel like going into it right then and there (I am SURE that there will be many other opportunities for me to educate on the slavery concept). Needless to say, this brown girl will most likely not go bowling with her colleagues too much in the future.

So my kangei enkai (welcome party) is tonight at Kin Zushi (a sushi place) down the street. I am sure there will be commentary on this in a day or two.

..:: peace...

Monday, September 01, 2003

peace, peace, and more peace! All is great here in Nihon. My first week at school/was a blessing and I am off to a great start. I am really enjoying working with the students a lot. I co-taught two classes this morning and the activities I put together turned out really well. I must say that I would like time them better. I would like to establish a set of activities that I can do with the students, so we can do them and not have to spend 10 min. explaining directions.

This weekend was great. On Saturday it was sooooooooooooo beautiful outside! I decided to try my brand new washer and wash a load of clothes. After doing that, I hopped on my bicycle and went riding for FIVE hours...yup! 5 hours. It was great and I ended up finding places that I thought I didn`t know how to get to. We have Sports Day coming up at my school on Sept. 12th, so I had to buy some sneakers. So on Sat., I bought a pair of cute New Balance. Now anyone who knows me, knows that I rarely wear sneakers, but I might have to rock these new ones a bit more than usual. They are lilac, pink, and sky blue with pink laces! Sounds crazy, but looks cute. (you can check them out here [W430], but unfortunately they don`t have my colors :(

I have the picture now!

I mean, in Japan, you can get anything in pink. I definitely find myself doing pink a whole bunch more than I ever have, since I`ve been here. So back to the Sports Day...Takeyah-sensei will be out there doing activities ALL day. It actually reminds me of the many Sports Days in Trinidad when I was younger....taking` it back to the ole school.

So Sept. 15th is `Respect for the Elders` Day...so we have a holiday from school!!! YAY!!! and Give Thanks for the elders. In honor of the elders a sistah will be traveling somewhre in the J. I may try to go up to Hokkaido, but plans are not set yet. I am really lokoing forward to doing some traveling while I am in Japan.

SIDE NOTE: I really like my new apartment!

I ordered food from Alishan Organic Market/Tengu Foods last week and they had my food the very next day. I was very excited to see the box sitting outside of my door. I was even more excited to open up the package and see all of that food that I ordered. So...as you can tell...I have been eating very well. (And) to add to what I ordered, the market sells organic tofu that turned out really, really great with my stir-fried broccolli and brown rice (genmai). It is such a blessing to have good food!

Thank you Creator!!!!

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