
Thursday, October 30, 2003

Not Representin' :: Holdin' It Down 

8:25 AM Not Representing….at ALL…
Today I was late AGAIN…okay, so this is the 3rd time (the other two times were out of my control and were under 5 minutes…but still)….I was 30 seconds late, but I didn’t even feel like going into the meeting once it started, so I just stood outside of the door until it was over. That probably wasn’t the best idea, but I did it anyway. I can’t remember when I have felt like this…disappointed…in myself…

I am NOT representing…other people have been late, but I do not know how they feel or if they even care that they are late. I HAVE to make some adjustments, I really do… :(

[Noticing that I was not having a good day, JTE3 asked me if I was okay. I just said…"I am just not genki, but I’ll be alright". She asked me if I was not sleeping well and was I feeling okay…she said “is it because of the accident”…and actually I didn’t even consider that as one of the explanations of how funky I had been feeling the past couple of days. Body aching, etc. does have an effect on a person. I have to really examine that, but I guess car accidents (or accidents in general) can really change people…who knows…but a sistah must adjust]

7:35 PM Bills, bills, bills…
So why did I just receive a phone call from a phone company looking for my predecessor. Apparently, they/he left without paying his bills…and now they are calling around looking for him. Then (although they have his name and not mine) they begin to ask me about if the bills were mine and when I started using the phone. Oh, a sistah had to get that fixed right then and there. I gave them the number to the school. Let them deal with it. I am sure they know how to contact him. But now that I think about it…I am not surprised, especially recalling the way my (old) apartment was left for me.

Ending on a positive note…I LOVE crafty/creative people. So I did not have a great day today so I decided to do one of my favorite things after work…CROCHET!...YAY!. Instead of staying in my apartment, I went to my local yarn store where I usually go in and talk to my (new) friend who owns it [and of course, buy yarn]. She and her family are always so nice to me..I like them a lot. So I just go in with my bag of yarn and the sweater that I am working on and start crocheting. We talk for a while, but then a lot of customers come in. Most of the customers were older women who do not speak English, but they come over to check out what I am making and to talk to me (regardless of the fact that I only understand a percentage of what they are saying)..it was nice…just what I needed…some positive energy. A few minutes before I left, my friend’s husband comes in and is so excited to see me that he yells out “Oh! Konbonwa, Takeyah-san!” with a great big smile. I responded with just as much enthusiasm…you know… “Some times you” *roll in the piano* “wanna go, where everybody knows your name. And they’re always glad you came….”


Monday, October 27, 2003

On the road again... 

I went up to Sai Mura (Village) on Saturday. I took the bus and it was a nice ride, about 2 hours, that let me see the northwestern part of the Shimokita Peninsula. I hung out with a friend and we went to Hotoke Gaura which is famous for being a beach that has these interestingly massive sand/rock formation type structures...it's quite amazing. The tide was up, so I couldn't walk all along the rocks but it was really nice. I know I got some really great photos. The stairs going down to the beach (at least a good 200+) were steep and climbing back up was NO JOKE! A sistah had to stop half-way up the long trek back to the top of the mountain where we parked the car. We drove back down to Mutsu andf met with another friend to have diner at my house. We went to a couple of store, so you know we really got the stares on Saturday... they are (kind of) accustomed to me, but then throw in another sista and a biracial Asian/White brotha...then that just adds some spice.

On Sunday, I woke up early and got my self my CAR! YAY!!! It is already enhancing my experience. I haven't gone out of Mustu yet, but I have been able to get some household maintanenec items that I really need w/o having to ask my supervisor or another JET to take me. I went to a couple of stores to price some items that I plan on getting soon and then I headed home. Because one of my friends was staying over on Saturday night, I bought a new blanket. It is thick and fluffy...so thick and fluffy that I was laying on my tatami mat and fell asleep until it was time to get up to start yhis week off! A sistah was knocked out on the tatami mat...no futon, just straight up straw!

Work today was cool. The driver of the car that hit me called to see if I was okay and to say that he was going to pay my hospital bill today. The JTE that had been communicating with him came back over to my desk to tell me (AGAIN!) that in Japan bicycles should ride with the traffic if they are riding on the street. I HAD to tell him that I knew that and that I was not riding in teh street when I was hit. I was in a crosswalk/pedestrian area. I was also "reminded" that had I been on the other side of the street, I would not have been hit. I HAD to remind the JTE that I was aware of that, but he should also be aware that first and foremost, had the driver stopped at the stop sign like he was supposed to I would not have been hit and if I was on the other side of the rode, I probably would have been hit from the back which would have been even worse. I am sayin' though, "why am I getting the lectures". I know I am not perfect, however I could really do without the lectures considering this is my first traffic accident EVER in my 10 years of driving.

So then today I had class with the second year JTE...I'll refer to him as JTE2 from now on...it seems like he may get most valuable player in my stories these days. So we had class and at the end of class we are talking about how the lesson went and how we think we should approach the rest of the lesson, etc. Then he says " so on Oct. 31st, we will have the Halloween Party. So what do you have planned". I said, "Nothing. I told you I do not celebrate Halloween and I don't have anything to share." He said, "Oh, okay. So why don't you talk about the meaning and the history and things like that." I said, "I don't have that information. But if you want you can look that information up." "Takeyah-sensei, I thought you were going to do a lesson on Halloween." Me, "No." Then I had to go into a speech about what we HAD PREVIOUSLY DISCUSSED....now, WHY, do I have to go through this...I don't go around asking them to do karate or judo demonstrations just b/c they are Japanese...

Anyway...this sitaution will be over with by the end of this week. Then I will have to deal with the next holiday that they think I "should" celebrate b/c the last two gaijins celebrated them....

In my ride around town, in my new ride, I went to a supermarket that I have been to before, but I donot go often b/c it is up and down this hill and a sistah was not ready to take q bicycle plus some grocery bags up and down a hill. So any way, I went to that store and found out that they sell the organic wheat pasta noodles that I thought I could only find in Aomori. PLUS...they also sell Kettle Chips in this store too! I got so excited I started taking my time and looking through most of the aisle (not the flesh ones though) to see what else I could find that I like. I was taking my cool breeze time that I didn't realize that the shopping center was closing! I think I was the last person in there...gomen nasai

Friday, October 24, 2003

Japan firsts... 

My experience in Japan has been filled with many "firsts". So far in Japan, I have had my first: public bath, high school teaching experience, time driving on the left hand-side of the road, ADSL line, tatami mat house, taste of natto, getting hit by a car, teaching English as a second Language, experience with a major earthquake....wait...what was that...first time getting hit by a car?

YES! I got hit by a car today on the way to the school (work). I was completely not expecting that at all when I woke up this morning to go to work. The dude ran the stop sign. I was crossing an intersection and I saw him pulling up to intersection, but he did not stop. I felt like I had a Matrix moment because I saw everything as it happened in slow motion. First of all, I have the typical granny bicycle, so I couldn't go fast if I wanted to; and I am in Japan, so the driver was not going fast (it just doesn't happen too often). The short of it is that I walked (rode) away from the accident with no visible injuries. At that point, I was late for school, the teachers meeting had already ended. I told the principal that I was sorry for being late, I had some "complications" on the way to work...like "getting hit by a car". I didn't go to the doctor right away b/c I knew that I would feel anything for a couple of hours...so I ended up going around noon. At that point, my knee was swelling and the pain was creeping in. So I went to the hospital and got everything checked out (x-rays, examination, etc.) and the doctor said I just had a contusion, nothing major. Cool! That's what I thought, but I figured I would get it checked anyway.

I made it back to school in time for an appointment with the driver and a police officer (which turned out to be 3) at 2 PM. Well that "10 minute" meeting took and hour, b/c we eneded up waiting for an English speaking police officer to arrive. Once the meeting was over I was told (by the English speaking officer) to be a "better" driver b/c he always dealt with "Americans" and accidents when he worked in Misawa (Air Force Base/Americans galore in Japan). I though to myself I have been driving for over 10 years and THIS is my first accident ever...give me a break...the dude knew he was wrong, that's why he offered to pay for everything out of his pocket. Straight trippin'...I know that accidents can happen to everyone, bt come on. At the end, 1 car/bicycle accident, 1 bad driver, 2 Japanese teachers of English, 1 doctor, 3 nurses, 6 police officers and one principal later, I was able to settle down at 3 PM and wait for work to be over at 4PM. So I ended up with no broken bones..only a sore knee! THAT was a serious blessing!

Wednesday, October 22, 2003

Where's Michael Jackson when we need him?! 

So today I arrive home to grabage spread out throughout the yard and into the street. Apparently, my neighbor left his trash on his veranda (which is the same thing I did not too long ago) and the CROWS (ravens) got to the trash and tore the bags open and had a field day. I don't really blaim my neighbor b/c our trash holder is outside on the street like evryone elses. The difference is that the container for our building and all 8 or so residents is locked most of teh days of the week. Whoever (the person in charge of it is) only opens ot at night for us to put trash in before the garbage pick-up in the morning. In Japan you have burnable and non-burnable trash, which has to be sorted... that's cool..but there have been times, like the one in question now, when you end up having mad burnable trash on the non-burnable days. So do you (a) leave the garbage bags in your house, where there really is no room for it, plus it smells, (b) leave it in the hall way, where there is not much room, but it can work AND have the putrid smell greeting you when you return home and saying goodbye as you leave, or (c) put it on the veranda until you catch the garbage container open, hoping that the crows do not get to the trash before you can throw it out. Well, it seems like my neighbor opted for (c). So he must not be home still b/c all of the trash was still ever where when I returned from my English conversation lessons tonight.

Speaking of which...it was successful. I am definitely learning a lot of things about my self. I am also learning that any time I make an attempt to ask people their opinion (whether openly, via survey, or via questionnaire), it will take a long time. My class was open to all levels so I came to class with a lesson that I could adjust for all levels. Within my class, there are varying levels...folx that speak and write, folx that speak and do not write, folx that write but cannot speak, then there is one person who speaks pretty good, but she has a difficult time with listening. So it's a mixed bunch...that's cool. I am happy that the class is small, so I can work one-on-one with the students.

We touched on "Halloween" today, I wanted to finish practicing my Japanese, so I went on line and found some info (I think from the Ben & Jerry's site...who knows how I found it) and printed it out and handed it to the teacher. I'm like...(to myself, of course)...*dude you go online like I just did for two seconds and type in Halloween and print the info out*. But then I also thought, maybe he (and a few other teachers) weren't schooled on researching and utilizing resources to find out about things that you don't know about. I find it hard to believe, but perhaps it is so...

It was really nice outside today...even tonight...so NOT having my car UNTIL THIS WEEKEND :^( may not be so bad...

Tuesday, October 21, 2003

Nihongo anyone? 

I went to my first Nihongo class today. It is pretty good one on one help with the language. The class is split into two groups. The people with no experience worked with the instructor on beginner's material and the people with experience (that would be me) had one on oner assistnace with the assistants. I understood the first two chapter sof the book, so my assistant and I worked on writing the Kanji for a the dialogues that I read. This is the most work that I have consistently done with Japanese sinec I have been here :( but it will get better b/c the organization that is above/over JET has sent me my language books, so I will be studying more and more. I have the Japanese Proficiency exam in December and I want to do well. I have no idea why I didn't take that exam when I graduated from undergrad, I would have definitely passed the highest level. But I guess if I did that, I might not be here now...so I am happy with the way things are.

I went to pick up my car today. I got on my bike and rode the 5+ km to the dealership to find of that they were ... closed. When I went there to make my first payment, I told the dude (well my Japanese speaking friend did) that I was coming back on the 21st. He didn't say anything like "Oh no! We will be closed" so I thought they would be open. Well needless to say, I had a nice ride all the way back home (more than 5 km b/c it was even further away than my school is). The bike riding experiences are good though b/c I am definitely becoming more familiar with the city and where things are relative to my apt.

Tomorrow I will teach my first English Conversation Class with adults...it should be fun...

I had left-overs, but they were great...curried red lentils over brown rice...umm....tasty.... I invited a friend (one of the teachers) over for dinner on Thursday, so I think I will make my universal vegetarian dish..... Stir-fried veggies (mainly brocolli of course) over brown rice. I love this dish and so does everyone who eats it even the flesh eaters...

Monday, October 20, 2003

Don't front, you know I got you... 

Frontin'! That was one of my JTEs today. The Australian exchange student's family came to visit her today, so it was made into a school-wide event. Nice, but a bit much, and I am sure they wanted to do some other things today besides hanging around the school being put on display...but anyway. So back to the fronting... we usually follow a general format : Warm-Up, Introduce New Vocabulary, Listening Activities, Dialog, Pairwork and Game/Activity (if there is time). But today, we had the exchange student's family introduce themselves. Then the students were supposed to be in groups to continue discussions (that I thought we ended already) we had on Friday about their recent trip to America. Cool. But after about a good 15-20 minutes it turned into a chill session with the JTE leading the way with playing with and tryin on the Halloween masks that were in the classroom. I thought to myself "let me come to another country where my child is going to school and see that the lesson is mainly the teacher playing around with costumes". But hey, I am not them. My general assessment of the class is that the JTE was very nervous (like usual) and he wanted to do something fun (maybe) but that did not focus too much on him or the students speaking Enhlish. I don't think that's cool b/c the students can speak much more English than the JTE allows them too. At times, I feel like his lack of confidence in his own abilities is a hindrance on the students growth. Quite bothersome. We ended out the class with a "lesson-like" activity so it was cool and the students had a great time chillin' in class today. I was happy that we gave them time to make short speeches about their trip.

We received some brief feedback from one of the 5 professors that visited last week. They were completely impressed with the lesson that the JTE and I did with the students on "the woman's role". He said, he was usually bothered by the low level of interest (and opinion) that the students show about social issues/current events. (Y)Our students were very meuch prepared to have a discussion and had a background knowledge of the information and were comfortable sharing. YAY!


Sunday, October 19, 2003


... Meditation

Getting the boot... 

This weekend was kind of quiet. I didn't go anywhere on Saturday. I just satyed inside and visited a good number of travel websites to see I can make my tentative travel calendar a bit closer to confirmed. I have a better grasp on the traveling situation, but I I am even more sure that it will be a bit more expensive than I would like. Because I do not live close to one of the "major" cities (Tokyo, Kyoto, Sapporo ...or even Sendai), I will have to add at least 2 man (20,000 YEN, a little under $200 to all my travel plans). All of good deals advertised in the paper are from the major cities.

mold casualties : 8

Today, I went to Aomori to pick up a couple of items and to really look around for boots. While many of the styles are funky, Japan (in most cases) does not produce leather shoes. So I have to really shop around to find some that will be under 2 man AND that will last through the 4+ months of winter. I passed by the new foreign foods store (which is great!) and startled a couple of HS girls in the potato chip isle..*gasp* that's what one of them did and froze. I just said "Konnichiwa!" smiled and kept on shopping. They replied back with amazement...I thought it was quite funny.

My Japanese (listening) is getting better. An elderly woman on the train was talking to me and I understood most of what she said (except for one word). It is quite interesting though, b/c I get a lot of elderly women talking to me all the time in straightup Japanese (like I am fluent). They just go on and ask me questions. I like it though, b/c it lets me know that they are comfortable and at least they speak (not just stare). I had a nice day...she was the only person I spoke to today.

Friday, October 17, 2003

The news... 

is telling me that temperatures will go down to 5 DEGREES tonight. It has gotten so cold so quickly. A week and a half ago, I was wearing a denim jacket and now I have to wear a wool coat.

Today the students were in two different places. Some students were in class, while the others were physically in class, but clearly somewhere else b/c they were talking up a storm (with backs turned and everything). Normally the students give me their attention, but today they were having their own conversations while the JTE was giving instructions. Today I was just a "sidekick" in class, so I am not sure if that had something to do with it, but the JTE has no control over the class. The lack of control, plus his nervous energy was bothersome to me. I do not like to deal with students talking unnecessarily during class... Okay, I'm done.

In other news: The wild monkeys are eating the rice in Chiga-ken.


Thursday, October 16, 2003


I came today to another news broadcast showing the temperatures getting lower and lower. Yesterday the lowe was 10 degrees, today it's 7. I am happy that I am getting a car soon, b/c I am already wearing gloves to ride my bicycle to work. I know I will only be able to do it for a little bit longer before I turn into an icicle...

Wednesday, October 15, 2003

What you're lookin' for... 

Finally, you get a chance to see me in the J...

10/4: Davida and I at a flea market in Hachinohe City.
A sistah has found the vintage stops...of course!

10/4: Brian and I on the way to the beach in Hachinohe City.


Today we had visiting professors from Aomori Health and Welfare University. They were basically there to do the job that every foreigner has to do if they are any way related to the _________ Board of Education. So they came to our school for international cultural excahnge with our English Intensive students. I had a great time today...it was different from my usual Wednesday, which is usually focused around (co)teaching my classes. The first great aspect of it was that I didn't have to do as much talking as I thought (the teacher who I spent WAY too many hours talking about the schedule basically didn't follow the speaker arrangements as we planned), which was good. The professors did activities/lessons with each student level. I had sonething to do with all of the lessons, but the one that I really co-planned was with the 3rd year students.

We talked about the role of women, specifically Japanese women and the women in the different cultures represented (Australia, Canada, England, New Zealand, and the United States). Prior to today, my JTE (Japanese Teacher of English) and I had planned for two weeks a series of lessons and activities to help the students prepare for today. I am happy to say that the planning paid off wonderfully. The students felt very comfortable and even when some were nervous, they still kept on talking and asking questions (on their own). Even our warm-up activity was successful . . . Ya-tah!

Of course, the day wouldn't be balanced without another Halloween request...like we didn't just have this conversation last night...oh well...on to better things...

At the enkai last night, I had my first vegan Japanese meal....no side dishes, no dobutsu dashi, no ebi, no sakana, no miruku, no tamago....it was good...I had almost the same amount of dishes as everyone else...and it was good. So now a sistah knows it is possible (although I did hear that it took many phonecalls and a very long time to organize that meal ahead of time)

...peace and blessings

Tuesday, October 14, 2003


Direct is not the Japanese way. I knew that before coming and I still know it today. The one thing that I have been direcct about is Halloween. In my first day in Aomori, my supervisor(s) asked me about Halloween and I told them that I do not celebrate it (and planned on not celebrating it in Japan)...cool...they said okay...fast forward two days later...Halloween pictures placed on my desk, then a brief discussion about Halloween and what they want to do. What does Takeyah-sensei say "I do not cleberate Halloween, so I will not be participating in the activities." The response, "okay". Fast forward 2 months..."so Takeyah-sensei the English club usually puts up the decorations for Halloween, so don't forget to do that in the calendar"...my response... "I do not cleberate Halloween, so I will not be participating in the activities. I can help the students get what they want/need, but I wont partcipate in the festivities" The response, "...oh...okay". Fast forward to today. "Oh Takeyah-sensei, I heard you never celebrated Halloween. Well that is okay, we can tell you about it. They don't celebrate Halloween where you live in America?" My response, "I know about Halloween, I chose not to celebrate it. They celebrate it throughout America." Response ... "oh okay. But where does Halloween come from?"... me, "I'll get you that info". Fast forward 4 hours, at an enkai for some English speaking professors... "Oh Takeyah-sensei, I brought back a lot of candy for the Halloweeen celebration. Over 700 pieces of candy" me, Oh that's good!. "I brought a lot of candy and I bought a costume for you too, so you can where on Halloween". me, Oh! really? Uh...that's okay...I don't need a costume "no, no...you don't want to wear the costume... I have costume for you to wear"... me, we'll talk about this later..... This is the exact reason why 2.5 months ago I said very clearly "I do not celebrate Halloween"...Now I have no problem with learning about new cultures and holidays, but their request is basically the same as that of people at home who want you to celebrate stuff just because. I am just not down...the way I see it is ...if they wanted an English teacher from America that celebrates Halloween, then they should have made that request. They have been doing Halloween for a good number of years now, they do not need me to do what they have done in the past. In this case being passive and direct is not working b/c they already have set in tehir minds about what they want.

NEWS FLASH : WINTER has begun in Hokkaido.....oh nooey...that's right above me. :(

Monday, October 13, 2003

Breaking the MOLD... 

OK...why, oh why did I just type a really long entry and it got deleted.... grrrrr....

So I was supposed to go to Hokkaido (again!) and I didn't go (again!). I couldn't get in contact with the sistah I was scheduled to stay with. In order for me to make full use of my time andmoney, I would have had to leave Mutsu by Friday night, so I could catch the train from Aomori to Hakodate, then from Hakodate to Sapporo (Hokkaido). I may just have to wait until February to do a longer trip. I want to go to the snow festival then anyway.

On Saturday, I got up and decided to go the Aquarium in Asamushi Onsen, close by Aomori City. Once I got to Asamushi Onsen, by train, I was pleasantly surprised to see that outside of teh station there was a mini (foot) onsen. Before I left home, I called a friend and we were supposed to meet at the station, so while I waited, I stuck my feet in the onsen. It was very nice...I wish they had one of those at every station. It was really hot. I was sitting on the end where the water was pouring out, so I only stayed in there for about 10-15 minutes. I had planned on going to the Aquarium then heading over to Aomori City to walk around and see what was in the area. Since I was with someone else, we just free-styled it and ended up going to the beach after the Aquarium. It was so beautiful. I got some really nice photographs. I want to go there again and take the boat over to the tiny island off the coast there. From the coast you can see a shrine (Shinto) on the small island.

After the beach we just went to get something to eat. I wanted to stay in Aomori for the night, b/c I still didn't walk around, so I called another friend to see what was going on and if I could spend the night. I called right on time, b/c plans were just being made. My friend dropped me off to begin a night of hangin' with the ladies. We decided to go over to one of the hotel onsens in Asamushi. This was only my second experience with onsen-ing. This place was different from the first one (Yagen Valley). In Yagen Valley, it is outdoors, so people bathe (really rinse off) then go into the bathe. At the Asamushi Onsen, people take full bathes (.., shampoo, toothpaste, etc) like at home. Onsen etiquette is very important. There are some places that do not want gaijins to come b/c they don't follow the social norms of onsen-ing. It was an interesting experience. I had a great time and temperature was just right. ;)

After the onsen, we went to a really nice soba restaurant. I didn't eat anything b/c most restaurant serve the soba with dobutsu dashi (soup broth with an animal/meat base). It was cool though b/c I ate before going. After dinner, we went home and watch movies and talked. It was nice. I woke up the next morning and went to the new foreign foods market in Aomori...jackpot...it was very nice. And I was really happy that it didn't only have American food. They have a few organic items (Kettle chips, wheat pasta, organic sauce, ...) and other items I wouldn't be able to get in Mutsu. I got an Aomori City library card b/c I found out that I could park for FREE, for 3 hours, if you have a library card...how about THAT! I walked around some more, then headed home.

I got home, put my bags down and reached for my keys...reached for my keys..reached for my...where are my keys?...my keys!? couldn't find them. I looked through all of my bags and pockets. Still couldn't find them. My door was looked, so I know I left the house with them, but I know I don't have them now ...oh nooey! what am supposed to do. So I thought, where could I have left them, when did I have them last .. ah, hah! The taxi cab, that's where I left them. So I tried to called the taxi company, but you can't dial a 0120-(toll free) number from a cell phone. great...just great. So I think, who can I call. I need someone who is an English and Japanese speaker. So I call the only ALT I know who is in town (b/c it is "another" holiday weekend) and who can speak Japanese fluently. He calls the taxi company for me, but he said they didn't seem helpful and that they woud check in the morning and call us back. I called my supervisor to see if he had an extra copy of my key andf he wasn't home ... but hey... you say why not call the landlord...oh b/c everytime I ask my supervisor who he/she is and can I have their contact info, he says...just call me if you have a problem. So needless to say, I couldn't get into my house and had to spend the night at the ALTs house. Meanwhile (although I was sure I left my keys in the taxi) I checked Shimokita eki (train station) and called my friends in Aomori and the search was on....whew...

So today I wake up...still no keys... but alas, the taxi company called and said something about the keys. We think they found them, but we lost something in translation and don't know exactly where they took them. So we think they said the school (my workplace) so we head over there to see if there is a spare set and to see if the taxi company dropped them off. What was that ... it's a holiday..the school wouldn't be open ...wrong ... folx go to work here on weekends, vacation, days off and holidays... As soon as I walk in the door, a maintanence man says "Oh!...." so I KNOW that my keys are there. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The taxi dropped them off b/c EVERYone knows who Takeyah is and where she works and where she lives even if she doesn't know them. So I got my keys back...no worries....

SO my ALT friend, offers to drive me around today, even though he hooked me up last night witha place to stay and served as my translator all morning. So we went shopping and I bought some yarn, a sweater and some groceries...oh...and made copies of my keys!

Getting to the current topic. Why, oh why was I doing my usual clean up and look through and I find M-O-L-D in my closet close by my veranda door. I just looked in there teh other day and everything was fine. I have the humidity containers and packs, but it still is not healping. I think with all the rain things are really too moist. I do what you are supposed to do...air things out, but I am beginning to have a mold problem, so I have to buy a humidifier now...booo :( got to break that MOLD down. I may even have to get rid of that piece of luggage too!

so I sit here very satisfied with how things are going for me (minus the mold) all is well... I am blessed and deserving of all that is good!

actually 10/12, but with the time difference it gets difficult to be exact.

Friday, October 10, 2003

eating peas and rice with chopsticks... 

my current physical and spiritual state:

peas and rice with chopsticks
at home

In this experience, people fall between two extremes . . . not doing anything to doing everything . . . not busy (thus, bored) to occupied and not a moment to rest. Usually I am on the later extreme's end, but this week I swayed in the middle. The ni-nensei's went to the US, then the ichi-nensei's went to Hirosaki. This left only the san-nensei's. I have been teaching 3 san-nensei classes, but this week there were times when I was about to fall asleep. Although I like having a moment to breathe, I do like staying occupied, otherwise I fall asleep. I am getting enough rest, but when a sistah is playing back the listening activities (over...and over...and over...and over again) . . . the drowsiness sets in. Thats not cool...especially when it's midday!

Peas and rice...need I say more :P

Thursday, October 09, 2003


today's view of the rising sun!
testing again. so prayerfully this works!

Wednesday, October 08, 2003

Trouble shooting... 

I figured out hwy the text on my moblog was not appearing. Now all I have to do is get my cell to save pictures with "_" and not "-" and I will be in business

today's view of the rising sun!
(old moblog from 10/2...testing) today, i did the ride-the-bicycle-and-hold-umbrella-move. YAY! i didn't want to take a taxi or leave my bike or get wet, so a sistah had to do the long-admired move.

Tuesday, October 07, 2003

on the CRAFTY side of things.... 

I have made a lot of items since I have been in Japan. And due to the demand (YAY!)...I may start doing business here in Nippon....so that would be cool. Especially with the different types of yarn and textiles available here. It is interesting being able to operate in YEN and such...

I am finally PC! 

That's Personal Computing...not politically correct! I finally have real internet access at home no more...diaup and expensive waqys of getting on line...i have ADSL...YAY! so now I can really work on getting things done that I need to get done (on line).

Monday, October 06, 2003


and I rejoice in my bountifulness!

I had a great weekend. I had a business trip on Friday, where we had an ALT culture day. I went to workshops and seminars on surviving winter in Aomori-ken, Calligraphy, Martial Arts and Japanese Pop culture. All were very much informative. I was very muvh impressed with the Martial Arts demo (judo and iaido) and so, I will try to begin practicing the judo soon (if I can find a class in my area). I must admit that although I am interested in knowing about martial arts, I was not very excited about participating in Japanese martial arts b/c everything I have read thus far always emphasized the (wo)man-to-(wo)man combat and fighting. I did not think I would like it, but after seeing the demo this weekend, I am very interested in beginning to learn more about the forms we saw.

After the culture day I hooked up with (ALT) friends and went to dinner and then figured out what we would do for the night. It was mad cool b/c we didn`t really have a plan, we just knew that we were going to hang this weekend. We ended up going to Goshogawara for the Friday night, then going (back) to Aomori on Saturday morning to handle some business, then we headed over to Misawa, then Hachinohe. We stayed hach for the night then headed back west.

On Saturday morning: I got a car! YAY! I am too excited about watashi no kuruma. It is nice and I will have it in a couple of weeks.

I found another restaurant to add to my list of Places where Takeyah can Throw Down. On Friday night, after our culture day, we met up and went to a place named Saigon. It was great. I had the Thai Fried Rice...it was off the hook. I thoroughly enjoyed eating it. I actually had two orders of it. I didn`t have any full meals for the day, so I was not completely satisfied with one plate. They were able to make it vegan for me....So thats that....Saigon will definitely get continue to get my business.

Thursday, October 02, 2003

today's view of the rising sun!
today, i did the ride-the-bicycle-and-hold-umbrella-move. YAY! i didn't want to take a taxi or leave my bike or get wet, so a sistah had to do the long-admired move.

Wednesday, October 01, 2003

School Trips.... 

Not too much going on today. Everyone is preparing to go on school trips and Takeyah-sensei is not! BOO! I want to go to Port Angeles,WA (USA) or Hiroshima or Osaka or Kyoto or Nara or visit one of the Universities in Japan. Almost all of the teachers are preparing to go somewhere and I will still be here... :(

Ok I`m done sulking....so I have a business trip this Friday, so I get to go to Aomori (again!) and then I will head down to Shimoda to (do some internationalization) play with some children, the I may down over to Hachinohe and check things out there.

My supervisor told me that I will not be going to Oma HS like I thought I would b/c it would be too far and ... might get lost. I think they just didn`t want me to go, so that`s why I am not going. I was looking forward to doing something different once a month..but oh well. I still have the Mustsu Technical High School in addition to my main HS.

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