
Thursday, September 30, 2004

oh the language... 

People have strengths in different areas...I am well aware of that. Yes...we need people to do the labor. Yes...everything doesn't have to be academic. I have never seen the English teachers so motivated to do something. Motivation is a good thing. However seeing them rush to do an assembly line of photocopies and to push the stapler first just blows my mind. I was working on some travel advice for the students b/c their trip to the US is a week away. I went into the office to give it to the teacher and the other English teachers are in there excited...excited about stapling together the booklet for the students. When we ask them to do their jobs by teaching the students, they look like somebody 'done stole their bike'. People all of a sudden have meetings to go to or sporting events to attend.

So today, I was asked to grade the 2nd year student exams. I don't mind grading the exams as long as I take a break from trying to decipher the words the students write. But I was asked to grade them b/c the teacher was going to be busy...busy stapling papers (when we have 8 non-English teaching, English teachers ready to roll up their sleeves and put their brains back on the shelf)...

A bit extreme, but it has been coming....like everythig else in Japan, there is a balance in all of this. Life here doesn't always require you to think much about anything, so asking that of many of these adults (who have received college degrees in their field) to display and improve their skills is out of the ordinary.

Wednesday, September 29, 2004


Perspective is an amazing thing. The way one person sees things can differ in such a great way. My friend who just returned back to the US wrote about it here. I had a chance to observe it today while grading my students' papers. They were asked the following question:

Would you like to live like the Amish?

...we have a lot of things that we have to do, like homework, watching TV...

...we do not ever cling to religion in Japan...

...would have to live a life based on religion...these are too difficult...

...they look like they are turning their eyes away from society...they are alienated from others and stick to their own unique lifestyle...I can never endue their lifestyle because it is too formal...

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

grey days a coming... 

my days are beginning to have the grey look...the winter grey look...soon to be the winter white look! it's almost haiku time for me...hmm...maybe I will write one haiku per week from the day it begins to snow until it ends...it ends..it ends...that sounds good. It is still warmer than last year though. My blanket count is only at 2 right now. It will be time to break out the heater and my warm(er) wear.

Speaking of warmer wear. It was a wonderful surprise for me to come across the Tokyo Knit Out 2004 site! YEAH! I was looking for it earlier on in hopes that they would have one and lo and behold...there is one. It is in October and it just might be worth it to head down for the day.

Monday, September 27, 2004

testing, testing...1...2...? 

We have mid-term exams this week. That basically translates to me sitting around in front of the computer, like usual, but w/o classes to attend. The trend of my second year so far has been 'information?...you don't need to know any info, so we don't tell you anything'. With that in mind, I asked about the testing schedule today and found out that my 3rd year students do not have any exams. GREAT!?! Perhaps, if it was b/c they have mastered the English language, then it would be cool. If it was because we have incorporated wonderful ways of evaluating and assessing their abilities, then it would be cool. But it isn't...the teacher said 'he didn't have time' to give them/prepare for an exam....um...excuse me? Straight trippin'.

The same 3rd year students have an exam in one of their other classes. The teacher recommended that they come to see me to check their 2 paragraph 'essays' that they will memorize and regurgitate on the exam. A few came, then one person came a little while ago...today...the day of the exam to see if I can help her with her essay. She came inbetween classes and said I will come back during your lunch time to get help. Eh?...Nani? Um, no you will not because I will be at lunch during my lunch hour. She was surprised that I told her that I would be having lunch. I find that to be a common thing. People just assume that b/c I am here and 'their foreigner/ALT', that all my time is available to them at their leisure. I generally do not have issue with helping students in school, during lunch or after school. However, at times the teachers and students tend to think that my time here is completely theirs...it isn't. Even if there is nothing else to do here...maybe, just maybe I might be busy doing something...like picking apples...LOL... ;)

Friday, September 24, 2004

frozen corn and eyes... 

huh?! what's that you say? why do i have a bag of frozen corn wrapped in a pink washcloth tied to my head with a turquoise scarf? Oh! because I somehoe managed to hit myself in the head with my closet door and I now have a small cut (minor gash) above my right eye [in addition to the pain). The evidence can be seen below...the injuries keep coming in Japan. So as of today, not only is the temperature outside getting colder, my right eye is about to be frozen. Word of advice from AB is that I shouldn't cry or else my right eye might freeze shut.

:: Represntin' Mutsu to the fullest...now what?! ::

Sunday, September 19, 2004

a granola moment 

I am having a granola moment! *sniffle, sniffle* I was feeling all biotech-y today b/c I had to submit some assignments for my on-line class. I ended up doing work for at least 6 hours today, so my slacker status can now be changed to studious. Anyway, while browsing around, I came across this site that gives a list of products that have genetically modified ingredients....I had a "shock and awe" moment when I saw that three items that I eat were on the list...*sniffle, sniffle*...so from now on I can no longer buy my favorite granola bars (in the green shiny packet), the only potato chips I can eat in J (in the little yellow tin/once I pop I can't stop), and the cinammon grahama crackers (made by little elves in a tree). I don't really snack much here b/c snacks that I like are not really available. So now, I will have to get out my funky and stylish apron that I was gifted a while ago and make some snacks. OR people who live in areas with access to goo snacks can send me some [hint, hint]...

Thursday, September 16, 2004

13-hour work day 

two of my students placed in the speech contest yesterday! YATTA! I was so proud of all of my students. One student received 1st place in the recitation section and the other received 2nd place. I was actually nervous during all of my student's speeches. They ALL really did an excellent job! I bought them all blow-pops afterwards as an otsukaresamadeshita [you worked hard] gift. They, of course, loved it!

The 13-hour part came about b/c I had to catch a 637a train with the students to get to the contest early. That meant that I got up at 5-something in the morning. A clear two hours earlier than usual. Then I watched the contest a gave bits of advice. Then when the competition was over then wait for the next train, which wasn't for more than an hour later. By the time I set my hips back in Shimokita Station, it was around 730p...wheww...I was T-I-R-E-D!

Today is our sports festival. Like usual, I look pretty athletic. They will not see me running around anybody's field today.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

are you a library or not? 

I e-mailed the Asian division of my school's library to see if I can get my books. This is what they sent to me in response...

Sorry, but you'll have to check your local installation library, or
another source, for these resources. Good luck.

My question is .... aren't you the library? you are my local installation...hello! Well it's a good thing that I didn't wait for them, I just ordered the books

Monday, September 13, 2004

Great NIGHT out! 

A few pics from Saturday evening....

:: Every great night out ends in KARAOKE! ::

A few older and random shots...

:: Driving to Misawa a fews ago before my Hiroshima trip ::

:: We had a radio personality visit our school last week and they brought a famous "singer" w/ them, so this is the scene in the hallway. My English club was supposed to be eating lunch, but when I came back into the room, this (right) was all I saw...their bento boxes. ::

reading online 

It's raining today :( I usually do not mind the rain, but the weather this weekend was so good and now it's grey outside. I don't have any classes today, so I have been sitting in front of the computer for 3.5 hours browsing around. I attempted to doing some reading for school...yup, school. I started my online class last week. Well, IT started last week and I didn't sign on til yesterday :( The class is an intro to biotechnology. It will focus on the societal issues and ethics related to biotechnology. Should prove to be interesting. I have a paper due at the end of October and I have a lot of reading to catch up on. Which brings me to why I was doing it online. I have to see if they have the books at the airbase b/c it will take at least 2 -3 weeks for my texts to get here. If I want to get them here sooner, I would have to pay at least $80! That is more than the costs of both books put together. So I will know by tonight how I have to handle that situatio. Reading it online is okay, but who wants to sit at a screen for a few hours (not me, unless it's crafty!)

time for a break...

Thursday, September 09, 2004

one year... 

a lot of things from a year ago have left my mind. i am cleaning out my In-box and seeing messages that people sent...I sent...I received and I'm like (^_-) I don't remember that. One example is my drive down to ATL before I left to come to J. I completely forgot that my olders ister came to MD and we drove down together...my schedule was like this

7/20 (Sun): Sayonara Party (MD)

7/25 (Fri): Driving to ATL (w/ KD)

7/28 (Mon): Flying from ATL to FLL

7/30 (Wed): Flying from FLL to BWI

8/1 (Fri): JET Pre-Departure Orientation (DC)

8/2 (Sat): Leaving for Tokyo (Narita Airport) from Dulles Airport (VA)

that is what I had planned. Then my lovely friends threw me a surprise party the night b4 I left for J. I was still not completely packed, so the post-festivities rush at 4AM proved to be rather...hhmmm...omoshiroii [interesting]

make you want to just shake 'em... 

Both my JTE and I wanted to just shake a few of my students today...ok maybe not a few...almost all of them! My only class was with my 1st years. Our last lesson was on doing volunteer work, so we were finishing it with an activity that really should have taken 10 minutes at most. WHY did it take a half hour to do it...the students just refused to do the work. Both the JTE and I were walking around trying to help them. I wanted then to talk about a made up volunteer activity. I gave them the volunteer activities and all they had to do was write two sentences...

I stayed in/at ____________________ for _________ hours/days/weeks/months.

I liked it because __________________________________________.

Oh my goodness! Two simple sentences...some of them were acting like I was asking for a dissertation or something. Just make it up...it doesn't have to be elaborate....work by yourself...do you understand...anything is okay...don't copy...use your own ideas Oh well....that's over now. We figured out how to make it better if we do this activity with another class.

In related matters, is it me or does it seem like the students' English levels are getting lower and lower...is it me or does it seem like if my school doesn't get more teachers that actually teach and speak English, they will be in for a lot of trouble?

Tuesday, September 07, 2004


They say a typhoon is coming this way. I can't seem to find up to date info on it. I guess I have to turn on my terebi to see if I hear anything....just put it on....no info, just uninteresting programs on. HL said that it was major. I tried to call CL to see if things are okay but haven't been able to reach her. I checked our weather out on line, and it just says showers for tonight and mostly cloudy and rainy tomorrow....hm...we'll see

Rainy's Adventure 

I will have another visitor very soon. My lovely friend LM is cominig from ATL in a couple days. She'll be travelling around then...up to the wonderful Shimokita peninsula. YEAH! She's coming up here on a 3-day weekend, so we should have nice time touring around the ken. Hopefully hit up a few new onsen and maybe some sites that I have never been to. Should be big fun for all...well, at least for the 2 of us!

Monday, September 06, 2004

city of peace 

Hiroshima was peace! I really liked it there. The vibe was nice. Out of all of the cities I have been to in Japan, it didn't seem as "neon" to me. It didn't seem as noisy [except for right outside HL's apato]. It was warm...hot. I got to know some cool people. I felt very much at home there. Probably one of the times I felt in my element in Japan. I can eat food there.

I visited Peace Park, the Memorial Museum, and the A-Bomb Dome. I was glad that I had the opportunity to visit these sites. They were moving. I was moved. Moved to look at what is going on. Moved to look at what is going on around me. HL said that when he visits, he's not sad, he's angry. I can agree with that. After visiting Peace Park, I kept thinking about this place. It is close to where I live. I didn't know that when I came here. If I had known that before I accepted, I would have told them, "No thanks, I need a different location." When I applied for this position, Hiroshima was one of my choices. There is a reason why I wasn't placed there. I needed to be here, in this "city". Now that I have visited, I feel like perhaps now is the time for me to be there. We'll see what is in store for me....

MISSION: Clean out the In-Box 

My mission was not accomplished. When I began the day, I was assigned (by myself) to OPERATION C.O.I.: Clean Out In-Box. I failed miserably. I have many messages to delete and reply to. For a Monday, which means no classes, my day was pretty full. I worked on some lessons, worked with a speech contest student, met w/ a teacher to plan a lesson, reworked my English club calendar, filled in my schedule until November, then worked on a new program that I started with my sister-city school. The last activity will be very good.

I started a book exchange program designed to promote foreign language literacy, independent reading and cultural exchange. My 2nd year students are going to the US in a month and they will do the exchange during their time abroad. The sister city school contact seemed enthusiastic about it, so I am sure our students would be very interested in receiving books in their foreign language. On our end, I hope that it will encourage the students to read independently and have the JTEs promote independenet and alternative reading in school...it is possible.

We made shells and cheese in English Club today. I thought that it woudl be agood idea for them to make something from the US, so they can practice reading and following directions and feel comfortable making something when they get to their homestay. Although we cook often, sometimes the vocabulary doesn't stick. Since I haven't been involved in the preparation activities (which really are not happening) I plan on using English Club to prepare the students for their trip. They are really excited about the trip. If I were them, I would be excited too!

Saturday, September 04, 2004

F-R-E-S-H, fresh, fresh, fresh. yo. that's fresh! 

i am a fresh little soul sister and my twin's name is Wanda. I've been to this site a few times in the past and thought it was interesting. Browsing around today, I came across it again via another blog. The comic strip for this week, was right on target and parallel some thoughts that I expressed to someone a few days ago! How about that?! So while looking through the links on the site, I saw that they have deal with these folx and I will be getting a fresh little soul sister bag as soon as they are available! YEAH!

Friday, September 03, 2004

not so grey day 

Since my day was so productive, I decided to move forward in the spirit of productivity. I finished this sweater about a month ago, but I didn't put the button on it. My friend at the craft store gave me the button (arigato!). I looking forward to wearing it. My second sweater! It didn't take as long as the first one (3years!) but it was long overdue. I have another design in mind for the next one. I am going to try to make it in one piece.

:: I made the sleeves extra long and the closure has two buttons at the neck ::

hiking it up! 

Today we had our school hike. The students get all geared up in their gym uniforms, did the radio taiso, and began their 20.9km hike. YES! 20.9 KILOMETERS....with no training at all. So it really isn't that long but a lot of these kids barely move around in their gym classes, so I just knew that someone would pass out.

:: Students getting things started with the hike ::

After walking through Mutsu City, we passed by the Sports Park, the first check point. Then once we got to the greener parts, it was all uphill.

:: While waiting at a light, I posed with my 2nd year students ::

After walking the 2+ kilometers to the starting point, we walked for about 8km, when we were told to stop. The initial translation that I got said that we ran into bears in the mountains. Not a surprising thing, b/c we do have mad bears. So we turned around and headed back downhill. At that point, we had already walked uphill for about 2.5 hours. So the students were looking for their somen lunch that was supposed to be waiting for them at the top of the mountain (the half-way point). After about 2 more hours of walking downhill, we ended up back at the Sports Park (the GOAL!) around 1pm. The students were greeted by the lovely ladies of the PTA with somen noodles and ice cold green tea.

:: PTA hooking it up with the somen assembly line ::

The day turned out pretty good. I wasn't sure if I was going to walk the entire 20.9km, but I was glad that I attempted it. I was concerned that my knee would start bothering me again, but it worked out okay b/c I didn't have to walk as far (only about 14+ km). The day was productive and I got home about an hour early today. YATTA! The downfall of the day was the large garbage bag full of waribashi [disposable chopsticks]

:: OH! The trees! ::

mo ikkai! 

I came home for a nap and ended up sleeping through yoga. I feel like I need another vacation...hey...maybe I will take one...I think Hong Kong sounds about right! It's in the works!

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Hiroshima :: Saga ::::: pics 

:: CL and I at an herb garden in Saga ::

:: My toes at a waterhole in Saga ::

:: Shots of the mushroom cloud photos at the Peace Memorial Museum ::

:: Top of the Children's Peace Monument ::

:: A-Bomb Dome in Peace Memorial Park ::

:: In front of the torii on Miyajima/Itsukushima ::

:: In front of the torii as the tide rolls in ::

:: Adding to the torii's reputation of being the "most photographed structure in Japan" ::

:: (Almost a) Full moon on Miyajima. Taken on the other side of the island where we camped out for a music festival ::

The details of the trip will follow...i need to set up a gallery b/c i have a lot of photos that I haven't shared.


i had a "favorites" scare today! i was online and opened a new window and couldn't find my favorites...oh nooey....but it worked out alright. as stated, it was just a scare [i was using a window that automatically opened up when i was updating a subscription] and I can go back to my usual random-bits-of-organized-information-(collecting)-self! YATTA!

when i got back home this morning i was greeted with lovely mail goodness
- a little something from AAA(!)
- a yoga DVD from that company that delivers free books, movies, and DVDs to J for free
- a thank you letter from CLAIR for being a TOA
- recent copy of a mag subscription
- typical phone bill(s)

it was nice to have my mail box filled up ;)


i made it back to good ole Mutsu at 723a this morning. i ended up spending the night in misawa last night and woke up at 5a to get on the rode for the drive. i managed to get back here in an hour and a half! pretty good stuff! although i left my windows open, typhoon 16 didn't do much but blow my shower and wc room windows further open. that's a good thing.

came to school this morning and was told that budget money came in for 'my new television'...that's GREAT, especially considering that I didn't know I was getting new TV. when i went to the office to talk about it they asked me what size i wanted and what brand....hmmm...i am not sure about other people, but i didn't know what to choose b/c i don't have an electronics catalog in my memory bank. due to 'the budget' I can only get a 25in :( but now I an watch more than 2 channels....goodbye 1990(-) television...in the end i told teh office man to buy what he would buy for his family...that made hime feel good!

classes so far are good b/c all i had to do was watch presentations. good stuff..

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