
Sunday, October 31, 2004

swappy goodness! 

I just received a 3lb. 13oz. bundle of joy! I came home today to a notice in the mail. I received a package from Royal E. all the way from Omaha, NE!. It has all kinds of crafty goodness in it plus some more things too. I have to say that I am so excited about this package! YATTA! A okii domo arigato gozaimashita [big thank you] thanks to Royal E. hooking me up.

Thursday, October 28, 2004


I have never seen lunar eclipse. I was hoping to see one (online) this morning, but the weather seems pretty bad in most locations. Hopefully I can view it online later. Not quite the same but it will have to do until 2007.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Mutsu love... 

things i like about Mutsu (today)...

1. I can take a one-day-a-week tai chi for under $30/ a month
2. I can show a 55 year old woman how to do a handstand b/c she wants to know how to do it
3. I can have little kids stop in their tracks to stare at me in the supermarket for at least a full 2 minutes w/o them ever saying a word to me
4. I can truly be in my own world
5. In the same supermarket as #3 (above) , I can have one of my adult students startle the mess out of me b/c she is so happy to see me (and I doing #4)



I ran into a "familiar stranger" today when I came home for lunch. As I was leaving, the touyu [kerosene] man was filling up my neighbor's mini tank. I said, Konnichiwa. He asked if I remembered him. I said, Yes. He asked if I was okay and said gomennasai [I am sorry]. I asked him to fill up my tank, I paid him then headed to school. The kerosene man is the man formerly and currently known as the man who hit me off my bicycle one year ago. I haven't seen him since then. But I guess it's kerosene season now...so like an old wound, he has reappeared...kind of strange...kind of funny at the same time.

I was finally able to get over my procrastination hump tonight. I read some articles and jotted down some notes. I feel significantly lighter now that I have started. I am hoping to get the research paper completed by Friday. I technically have until noon on Monday to submit, but my weekends are usually consumed with "me" time and getting my other assignments completed.


Sunday, October 24, 2004

topic of discussion 

This is an interesting read. It would be interesting to have a discussion with some of the people that I have met in Japan about race.

procrastination continues....aaaaahhhhhhhh.... :(

ocha anyone? 

I drank tea for 2.5 hours today. I went to a tea ceremony event today at the cultural center. We did tea ceremony in four different rooms. According to the Girl Scout leader (who invited me to attend), there are four styles: enshuu , omotesenke or ruure [stand up style] , dainihonsadougakkai , and urasenke. I was allowed to taked pictures during the ceremony for the last style. I like tea ceremony, however I found that I mostly looked at kimono today. I think I may learn how to wear kimono . They are so beautiful and elegant. I was kind of iffy on buying kimono , but I may end up buying one, especially if I begin to take kimono classes.

:: Tea Time ::

:: Random Shots from Friday : Hangin' and Train Station Vending Machine ::

Wednesday, October 20, 2004


just had an earthquake. It was the biggest one that I have felt since last October [we have had a good amount over the year but I was 'moved'by today's jishin]

what up, yo?!
bling bling

this is what my student returned from their trip with. I am looking forward to hearing their stories about the trip.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

funky food :( 

I'm sure my job has had enough of me and my appliance issues since I've been here. First, we had the trifflin' stove and washer issue when I arrived last year. Then this past winter we had the non-emmitting heater issue. Then they just bought me a new TV (25", I am not sure why, but they bought it). I walked into my apartment last night and opened my refrigerator to a smell reminiscent of the funk of all funks. I was like whoa, what is going on here! Had I been a trifflin' person, then a funk would be expected. Had I not cleaned out my fridge, a funk would be expected. If I had old food in there, then a funk would be expected. None of the above happens to be the case here. Last week I suspected that something was going on b/c my ice-pops started having that "i'm frozen but don't get to bold with it" thing going on. Then some soy milk spoiled. I thought that maybe, just maybe I didn't remember opening the container a couple days before. Maybe I opened it a few days ago and that's why it spoiled. I've been busy, so it was a possibility. Although I didn't adjust the temperature since I have been here, I turned it up anyway b/c my items were cool, but not cold. The freezer got frostier but I had to through out some veggies, fruits AND some more soy milk that I just bought! So now I have to tell these folks that my fridge may be broken. I am sure there will be a story to accompany that scenario, so I will wait on it.

I had a nice weekend. It was kind of hectic, but it was still nice. I had a lot of stuff to do, but three main things had to be completed by Sunday. I had to read and write a commentary about "who should have access to genetic information" for my class. I had to prepare for a "winter survival" presentation for our Culture Day (which was A LOT of fun, more later). Then I had to prepare for vending at Educator's Day at the air base school. I got organized on Friday and Saturday morning, then headed south for a frigid beach party. It was SO COLD out there. I had on a shirt, a fleece, a sweater and a long denim jacket with gloves and I was still cold. I am not sure what I was thinking when I left the house b/c all I initially had on was the t-shirt and a fleece. The other items I happen to have with me. I purchased the gloves at the konbini [convenient store]. I left the party early and went to sleep.

I woke up on Sunday, and headed to an onsen before getting on the road to drive further south to Misawa. It is becoming one of my regular places to go when I drive south. It is a new place and I like their outdoor bath/pool. Although I was pretty open to them when I got here, I have really grown accustomed to onsen culture. As a side note, MG sent me this article about onsen and how they are not always what we are led to believe they are. I didn't hear about this, but MG is pretty good, like me, with obtaining random bits of info. After the onsen , the drive was pretty peaceful. I got there in about an hour. Since I got there so early, I met with DMB at her church. We basically stayed in for the rest of the afternoon and evening. I had to prepare for the next day (Educator's Day in Misawa and Culture Day in Aomori City).

I ended up vending for a few hours in the morning, then I packed up and drove the hour and a half west to Culture Day. Culture Day, which is sponsored by the prefecture, was really entertaining and educational at the same time--- edutainment! I presented on winter survival. Yes, I did! Very surprising, but as I told people "if I could survive winter here, anyone can". The workshops started late but had to end on time, so we were short about 10-15 min., but people said the presentation was good and informative. I felt good about it. Then I participated in Jomon pendant making (Jomon: ancient J civilization), pottery and sushi-making. I thoroughly enjoyed myself. These activities were perfect for a crafty sistah like me. The pendant is made out of talc that we had to sand down with our hands. My middle finger on my right hand is still a little sore in one spot where I was hold ing my stone. I am still working on smoothing out my stone, but I can actually see me wearing it. I left my camera in my car, so I didn't get any photos of me flexing my pottery-making skills...EDIT: oh, just kidding. There is a pic that I took with my cell in the sidebar. I am interested in seeing what everything will look like once they are glazed and fired. Although I signed up for sushi-making, when I got into the room, I wasn't sure if I would be into making anything. That went out the door as soon as we got started. There is an art to making good sushi, but I thought that my kappa maki tasted pretty good. I made about 8 pieces and I ate them all. I guess now I can actually use the sushi-making set I bought 12 months ago! In the end, things turned out great. I went out to dinner with some folx, got on the road, and made it back home in close to record time, 1.5 hours!

[ insert fridge funkyness here ]

I heard back from the baking ingredients people. They have never delivered to J, but there experiences with Korea, Thailand and Australia tell them that it's not worth it to have items delivered :( BUT, on the baking front, my friend EM, just came back from the US and brought me.... *wind chimes*...vegan carob chips. So, there will be some baking going on...YATTA!

Thursday, October 14, 2004

fish eggs and other misc. thangs 

i would be too through if, for my 5th grad school trip, I went to the river to pick out fish, cut them open, scoop out their eggs with my hands and squeeze out the semen. That's what was just featured on the news. I know it's a cultural difference, but sticking my bare hands inside of a fish does not sound like a load of fun

oven deprived 

Badminton is no joke! The back of my thighs and neck are slightly sore. I took gym with a student and two teachers yesterday...strange?...yes! The student is the only one who didn't go on the school trip to the US, so she had to come to school although all 37 of her classmates are in the US. Thus, the single-student gym class. I haven't played badminton in about 17 years. I had no idea that it had all of thee little rules, but I was fun. I didn't notice the soreness until this morning...and I guess an hour of tai chi last night doesn't sooth my muscles either.

I currently have the 'absentee ballot' in my possession. What I found out yesterday is that the absentee ballot does not exist for Japan. That's what my adult students told me. If you are not in japan, you just don't vote...how about them Aomori apples?

My food situation has been kind of blah recently. I need to start trying some new recipes. I have been pretty busy so I haven't tried anything new and of course, there are no 'funky' restaurants for me to go to b/c I am in Mutsu. I still haven't found a way to get soy ice cream. I think if I had some, the world as I know it would be a better place (at least while I am here in Japan). I did find that you can order your own custom-made ice cream online....of course they do not do vegan stuff. I also found that you can order vegan baking goods from this company in the US. In true QT style, I have already e-mailed them to see if they ship to Japan. I think this year, I will ask the home ec teacher if I can use the ovens at school. Maybe I can prepare everything at home and just bring the items in to school for baking purposes...why not?!...I have the time.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

DJ Queen! 

I just came back in from a "take the videos back to the store and listen to my radio show in the car b/c i don't own a radio" run! The show, Crossing Lyrical Borders, was pretty good. I liked it so much that even though I got home as half hour ago, I stayed in my car so I could listen to the rest of the show. I'll share what I played. I planned on playing a lot more songs (specifically people who I know) , but we ended up talking between most of the songs...I don't really like that too much, but they like me to explain the songs, so I do. Tonight's show:

What a Difference a Day Makes - Sendy Brown (Opening Music)
Four Women - Nina Simone
Green Eyes - Erykah Badu
Bahia - Angelique Kidjo
Rhythm of Love - W. Ellington Felton
Rafiki - Zap Mama feat. The Roots
Spiritual War - Fertile Ground *announced their Nov/Oct concert in J*
Chan Chan - Buena Vista Social Club
Meadowlands - ?? from Amandla! Soundtrack
What a Difference a Day Makes - Sendy Brown (Closing Music)
Cerca de Mi - Louie Vega (partially played with exiting)

Some folx that I know here said that they would listen to my show. We'll see what the people have to say about it...lol...

My niece (11!) and nephew (7!) also had birthdays too...my nephew guessed my age the other day...he was two years ahead of me. I am sure he thinks I am super old, like my younger sister does. I am going to buy him a children's Japanese phrase book. He said he wants to learn some Japanese words...who knows, maybe by the time I get back we can have a little Japanese convo.

happy new year to MOMMY! 

Today is MOMMY'S BIRTHDAY! YEAH! happy bEARTHday MOMMY! If you know mommy, please give her a call and let her know how much we love and admire her bc/ she is a sharp, divine, beautiful, and intelligent woman who knows what she wants and always gets it. She is divine and deserves ALL that is good! I LOVE YOU, Mommy!

Sunday, October 10, 2004

biotech issues... 

i'm stuck....i have to write a paper for my biotech ethics class and i don't have a topic. i should have had one about 3 weeks ago, so i could get started. i thought i had one, coltan: fuel for civil war in the DRC, and i submitted it to my teacher a couple weeks ago. i didn't hear back from him telling me that the topic is not suitable. i am still thinking about changing to another topic. i was hoping to have my outline and a lot of reserach completed this weekend. so far nothing has been accomplished. i have one more day to try to get a lot of the foundtaion completed. i am going to take a break now...maybe i've sat in front of the computer too long.

Friday, October 08, 2004


This post is dedicated to the miscellaneous Africans. Not the ones who fought and struggled. Not the ones holding down in the labs. Not the ones representing in 2004. Not even the ones who own the hip-hop shops in Japan's major cities. This is dedicated to the miscellaneous African that called me at 3AM this morning. First of all, I woke up at 5AM to see my students off to the US. I had a long day and I stayed up and finished my HW. Then this is what I hear at 3AM, when I think this HAS to be an emergency. First, my phone never rings and I do not get phone calls. Second, anyone who would call me knows the time difference.

Miscellaneous African: Hello, may I speak with Takeyah.
Me: This is she.
MA: This is Kofi, I got your number from XX. You hung out with him and his sons when you were in Nigeria.
Me: Oh, okay *look of confusion. glance at my cellphone to see the time*
MA: What are you doing in Japan? What do you do there?
Me: I live here *aiming to be vague*
MA: Okay, well I have to go to work, so I will call you some other time.
Me: Okay, bye.

WHAT in the world?! I was too through. I do know the people that he mentioned, so I wouldn't be surprised if they gave him my number. But come on...calling me at 3AM fron Nigeria, Ghana or Japan is not cool. Especially for only a one-minute conversation. I was too through!

Thursday, October 07, 2004

rebellious spirit 

hmm... why, after a year does she still NOT know the days for the trash to go outside? Three people probably ask that question:
1) the garbage ladies (yes, ladies!), when they see my burnables in the shed when everyone has unburnables (and vice versa)
2) my neighbor, when he sees my trash bag outside my door(and perhaps smells it too b/c I don't want it in my house) when the shed is locked
3) me, every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday when I see my burnables in the shed when everyone else has unburnables (and vice versa)

Maybe this is a slightly rebellious spirit or something. My only way of not conforming to things here. Aside from the fact that I could never be a Japanese person and I don't want to be Japanese, I have made several adjustments to things that I do and do not do. Soon, it will be time for me to change those things again. Although my second year here just began, I feel like it's almost time for me to start packing up my stuff. As soon as the new year (Jan. 1) hits, it will be on. I think I will start making my omiyage [gift] list soon. There are several people here that look out for me AND I have family and friends that I need to get J stuff for at home. In the meantime, I will focus on being active in the winter b/c the winter is tough to deal with...cold, quiet and lonely....BUT today was nice and warm(ish). I saw it from my window at work!

Anyway...enough of that...

I, Queen T, have managed to submit an assignment early! YATTA! Since I have started my class, I have submitted my assignments on time, but they have been submitted on the night before or morning of the deadline. I am happy to get that out of the way. I have a research paper to work on. So instead of "galavanting in the streets" [from my lovely mother] of a major city of Japan...like Tokyo or Sendai, I will be galavanting in the streets of Mutsu for this 3-day weekend. Which basically boils down to me sitting in front of my computer. I don't even think I could galavant in the streets of Mutsu even if I wanted to :)

Tuesday, October 05, 2004


:: driving back from Hirosaki ::

:: evidence of yesterday's procrastination [but I got my work done] ::

Sunday, October 03, 2004

Dolly and 'em 

must. stop. procrastinating. and. read. about. Dolly: The Age of Biological Control

tsugaru-filled weekend! 

Just a few more minutes of procrastination, then I'll get to work. I have to read the next chapter of my textbook and comment on it. Hopefully the people in my class will not go over the writing limit (AGAIN!) and write dissertations on the chapter. I understand that with an online class, the only thing that the teacher has to go by is your writing and comments, but must we all 2000 words, when the teacher requests 200 - 500 words?

I went to Aomori yesterday for Crafty Aomori! It was a lot of fun getting together with fellow crafters here. The group was diverse and there are definitely some folx that I plan on battering with. I took my camera, but in all of the crafty excitement, I forgot to take pictures. We will be meeting again next month, so picture will be taken then.

After the crafty taikai [meeting], I drive to Hirosaki to meet with a friend. I think last night was my first time spending the night in a Japanese home *thinking* My friend's parents were extremely nice. I had a bit of hazukashii [nostalgia] b/c her mother dropped us off for dinner at a restaurant and then left us there...like in most people's HS days. We had dinner and talked a lot. Both of us were pretty tired, so once we got back to her house, we chatted some more then went to bed. For some odd reason, I didn't wake up until 9AM! WOW! I must have been really tired on top of feeling very comfortable on my futon. After getting showered, I came out to a table full of food for breakfast. My friend clearly prepped her mother b/c the entire meal was vegan and delicious! Her mother kept bringing out more and more food :) During and after breakfast we sat there chatting and watching baseball. I think that was the most baseball I have watched in my life. It wasn't as boring as I would normally expect b/c I was trying to understand what the commentator was saying.

By the time I left my friend house this afternoon, I had a full belly, a bag of fruit and some Tsugaru lacquerware (a serving tray, a bowl, and chopsticks). The lacquerware is gorgeous, although my friend's mother prefers the red version of the brown I received. My weekend was full of goodies (I met with DMB on Friday to get my textbooks for school! YEAH! No more reading them online).

The goodies didn't stop there. When I got home, I got this:

I was drawn by DN, a former Ajigasawa JET. Isn't it great! I have to get a nice print made. So now, its work time.

Friday, October 01, 2004

on the 1s and 2s... 

because the fact that people can describe what i was wearing (while driving down the street during my lunch hour) to a "T" wasn't enough fame for me....I had to go and get a radio show...it's the community radio. one of my students in my adult English class works at the station. she asked me to do a once a month/60-min show playing music and talking and a 10-min/four times a month English convo piece. got to break out my CDs...maybe i should get a radio now, so I can listen to it . . . naaaaawwww, I don't need any more appliances . . . i'll have them give me copies of my show, so I can have it for my archives.

i am taking a school break...i wish it was a physical break, but it isn't. I am taking a "talking about school/work on my blog" break. i am not sure for how long...they got on my nerves today...this is where I talk so they are getting the silent treatment...as of now.

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