
Friday, April 29, 2005

Green day... 

How Blackness became "Universal"
What you’re left with is an environment where Blackness, from look to style to content, is shaped mainly by non-Black marketers, manufacturers, and retailers catering to the tastes of primarily non-Black consumers.

Today is a holiday, Green Day*, and I have managed to do less browsing and such today than I usually do on days when I have other things to do like study, sleep, eat and work. As a result, my apartment has gone from the post-Australia-suitcase-still-packed-been-busy-studying-pre-Spring-cleaning-need-to-do-laundry-packing-to-leave phase to the post-Australia-Spring-cleaning-some-laundry-left-packing phase. So I feel good about the day :)

*The beginning of Golden Week


i am love
brought to you by the isLove Generator

Thursday, April 28, 2005

The thing I love about J (#0427)... 

I went for my 6-month get-everything-done-to-your-car-check last night. As anticipated from a car that didn't left this city from November to April, it was in great condition! My blades looked like I put them through a shredder, but that was minor.

In the end, I got my blades replaced, oil changed, winter tires switched out, screws tightened, fluids drained and refilled, filters changed, battery checked, and a whole slew of other 6-month services. All of that for the lovely price of 15,000YEN (about $140). This is at the dealership, not just some shop down the street either.

There was no service man coming out to sadly tell me that X was wrong, so Y doesn't work, therefore I should pay them an extra $300 and since I'm doing that, I can also get Z done for the additional low price of $129.99!

They topped off the whole 6-month-service soy sundae, with a vegan chocolate syrup car wash! The cherry on top came when I paid for everything, then the dealership dude gave me a photograph of me and a random Japanese woman. Come to find out that the woman is his wife! I had no idea. I couldn't even remember where and when the photo was taken but then I remembered! The photo was from (the mini photoshoot in front of my apartment) last summer! He has had that photo on his desk wrapped ever so nicely in tissue paper waiting for me to come in, since July! aaaawww...very sweet! I LOVE Japan!

Tuesday, April 26, 2005


Every human being is born with the potential to be creative -- imaginative, ingenious, innovative, inventive, original, resourceful, and unique. Creativity is natural, developmental, and lifelong. The only barriers to it in organizations are contentment, fear and jealousy.

Above all, creativity reflects the soul and spirit of a human being. This human need is one based on the natural love of play, capacity for curiosity, ability to communicate, desire to transcend limits, gift of imagination, and interest in leaving a legacy.

--- JK

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Flash Back 

Where has the time gone? It seems like just 365 days ago it was snowing. Oh wait...about 365 days ago there were still signs of snow. Today was such a beautiful day. The temperatures soared to 11 degrees. The snow is melting and bits of green are paeking out in every which way. YAY!

I was trying to find a picture (that I took) showing all of the greenery. I realized that I have a LOT of snow photos, but not many of Japan in my favorite season. I'll have to work on that.

:: Temple (across from Nat'l Museum) April 22, 2004 ::

Friday, April 22, 2005

jellyfish (bowl)... 

:: Taken at Melbourne Aquarium (top left) ::

Last week I had a chance to meet one of my predecessors (5 years removed). He said Mutsu hasn't really changed much in 5 years. HA! I do NOT find that hard to believe. We talked about my school/work life a good bit. That, in addition to the nifty sports stadium we have now, is the one thing that has changed.

My school is (supposedly) regarded as a school with a wonderful English course. We have about 10 English teachers, not including me. We have an international exchange department. So our teachers and students are on point when it comes to English language education (in Aomori). That description, is how it used to be...over 5 years ago.

While I must admit, our students are wonderful and have very good skills, the good number of the English teachers...lack luster. I would have loved to teach during the days when the teachers were motivated and wanted to use and teach English in class. Now, the current folx are just riding that wave, that "history". There will be some serious history made this June when the teacher, who has kept things going, leaves for 6 months to do some studying in the UK.

Of course, like I tell the people in my office, this is just my opinion.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

so that you can be yourself... 

it's hard for some folx to tell, but i have been busy. then, i have been busy. then, oh yeah, I have been busy. but...I have a friend who's been around even when i didn't notice it. when i didn't have time, this friend just stood by and kept things going. i guess this friend knew that if he just hung in there, i would notice him and be completely surprised. i was. i was surprised...

yes, my friend M-O-L-D decided that he would stay around and actually grow in my closet. The one that I do not use b/c it is too moist. The one that apparently the builders felt could actually be a closet for someone who likes the exhilarating feeling of mold spores in their lungs.

So as, I said...I have been busy. I haven't taken the time to look in that one closet for a couple weeks and here we have it M-O-L-D! nasty...just plain nasty :(

Springtime is here and the apples will be in abundance..

I feel comfortable with my heart exhilarated. Blowing away the cobwebs.
The uplifted feeling has not been cooled down. Footloose and fancy free.


Here's a little make-up lesson for the ones interested in this. I remember watching a movie/documentary about eye-lid surgery a long, long time ago (when we still live in Trinidad). After seeing what the woman in the film had to go through and what she was saying about her (natural) self, I have always felt 'some type of way' about the surgery. My views of it are based on most people I have spoken to who want to get the eyelid surgery done. I think it's self hate. Unfortunately, there's a lot of that going on in the world.

EDIT: some.blepharoplasty.info.here

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

spirits and tears 

I had an interesting (and emotional) Eikaiwa class today. First of all, only two people came today, and ojii-san * and a newbie. A cooking class (re)scheduled their pre-paid cooking class for today. The thing is, a few of my students are in that class...so I loose out.

Anyway, we talked for the whole hour and a half straight. We started with talking about me being a vegetarian, then it lead to almost an hour long discussion about religion. The woman who came was agreeing with my point about people having spirits and that you can sense some people's spirit. She started telling us about when her father committed suicide when she was about 20+ years ago, when she was 20 years old. She felt his spirit. At first she was alright, but then she started bawling (while apologizing for crying)....I went over and gave her a hug and told her it was okay to cry. I think she was caught off guard, too.

I 'think' that migt have been one of the deepest conversations I have had with a Japanese person since I've been here...but I have to check the archives.

* almost forgot... ojiisan : I think he is so cool. he has been selling law books for about 22 years and he will retire in 3 years, then go to the US to visit his family. he thinks his english is not good. ha! i think it's great. so i hope he keeps coming to my class b/c he is a great conversationalist.

ethnic backdrops? 

I have been wondering about the Harajuku Girls 'thing'* that a particular artist has had going on. I LOVE singing some of her songs at Karaoke, however whenever I see said crew, I always think...huh?!? what is that about?! Don't let me have to stop singing my favs at karaoke b/c of some nonsense. It is pop music and it seems like she's doing the whole fantasy scene. I wonder what Japanese people think about this.

There's a blog specifically dedicated to freeing the Gwenihana four. Mixed views.

*I can't find another word to describe it

Monday, April 18, 2005

That'll learn ya! 

Word on the street is that Aomori University will be using cellphones to check student attendance. riiiight! This doesn't amaze me at all. It fits right into things. This doesn't make the students learn anything. But then again, priors beliefs about the system are confirmed again. It's not about learning or actually doing anything, it's about being physically present. So yes, young students, make sure you go to class. Once you get your cell phone message you can go back to sleep...just put your phone on manner mode so you won't disturb the other sleeping students.

I am doing my work procrastinating now, but I have more to write about some things that i learned yesterday.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

You too can be the author of a scholarly paper! 

I needed a break from (preparing for) writing. I like blogging and related information, however, I really need a break. At one point I had 25 browser windows open. That's too much. I had to just bookmark some of them and think about a strategic apprach to all of this.

Since I'm talkng about papers, I just came across this article about students who wrote code for generating random computer science papers. They "wrote" the paper and it was accepted for presentation at a conference! They even provide the simple details about how anyone can genberate their own paper.

Go on, give it a try. At least somebody will get their paper done sometime soon.

Nature's Wisdom 

I may have the opportunity to go to the Aichi World Expo in June. I am sure it will be entertaining (technology, pageantry and candy-wise) and at the same time, I have mixed feelings about it (environment, financial and message-wise). I will have to check out the site and read up on it some more. This article (got from vincentvds) and this kind of show my mixed feelings. Is this "really" about sustainable development? hmmm....I'll have to see. I have a couple months to decide, so I am keeping my eye on it.

In related news, things are really heating up.

Friday, April 15, 2005

J-life...direct from J 

"There are many strange and weird things in this country, even for us who live in there. But they cannot be found in any guidebooks or websites about Japan, Since it's hard to tell because they are too trifling, or are too natural to find for us. I'm going to write about such things, ---the realities of Japan ..."

I am sure that when people read quotes like this they usually think it's from a foreigner. This one is from a Japanese man born in the 60s. He talks about J-life in his online journal. He talks about a lot of everyday things that I observe (and sometimes raise an eyebrow at). I mentioned it before but his movie title post explains why I end up spending extra money at the video store on movies I have either seen already or have no desire to see.

Thursday, April 14, 2005


I am really looking forward to going to the Solar Decathlon in October. It's months away but I have been on the website a good number of times just looking around. The last one I went to, in 2002, was the inaugural one. I am sure things have really improved with the competition and events since then. I couldn't get anyone to go with me. The people I asked thought it was a bit on the nerdish side. Perhaps, but this is good stuff. The UM Team broke soil on their site not too long ago. I won't be around in April* to see some of the early developments, but I am sure it will still be fun to see the house.

I actually felt really inspired after going to the decathlon. Personally, I would love to live in a solar home. Although the decathlon can be corporate-ish in some areas, I didn't even know that half of the makers made solar products. I didn't know it back then, but the decathlon fits more with my current professional interests. I think my favorites from 2002 was the University of Puerto Rico and University of Colorado.

*Not going to the US in April as I originally planned. Logistically, it would be too much considering that I have a final exam due at the same time.

status quo 

I usually do not get 'invited' to department meetings. For the most part, it doesn't urk me b/c most of them refuse to try to use any English [in class or in meetings] and (I think) they get annoyed b/c I am more intelligent than they would like me to be. Since I have been here, I think I have attended 4 English teacher/departmental meetings. That is 4 out of at least 52!

The teacher that I interact and communicate with most, invites me to some meetings when he thinks they should hear my opinion about something or when he needs support on an issue. Today, he invited me to attend and I decided not to go. Didn't feel like wasting my time.
From a program/organizational feedback and evaluation meeting held recently, this statement expresses some of what I think:
It seems understandable that they would break their contract when they are given the responsibility to
teach the students and yet not given the power to make any changes to the system because they are just helpers
and not officially teachers.

Surprisingly, my supervisor volunteered to continue supervising me :O eeeeehhhhh?!? The impression that I get is that she doesn't like supervising me, but who knows why she said she would do it?


yum...i ate half of the mousse/pie/cake last night. it is small so, it's not as bad as it sounds

I have another paper due this Sunday. This one is related to one of my favorite things [these days]: blogging (more specifically innovation in blog technologies). The only thing is that there is SOOOOO much info out there to read. It has to be under 20 pages, so that's a good thing. I hope to get most of it done by Saturday night. Which means, I need to tackle this ASAP. Instead of avoiding the computer, I have to avoid specific pages that will distract me.

One of my students said: "I saw your back-side while you were food shopping on Tuesday"...thanks :)

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Hana Matsuri 

It's funny, but I saw more done for Christmas (Jesus Christ's Birthday? *sarcasm*) in Japan than the Buddha. Perhaps not making a big fun, festival-filled day out of it is part of Buddhism. Not sure though.

In celebration of the Buddha's Birthday and 3 lovely Aomori ladies, we had lunch at the Showa Daibutsu [Showa Big Buddha]* yesterday. Of course, the food was shojin ryori [devotion food] and vegeterian** so I was a happy camper.

:: With RM, who also made a lovely
VEGAN chocolate cake for the birthday ladies ::

:: Food glorious food! ::

:: Out of change, while in the Buddha Hall?
No worries. There is a change machine
available. ::

* Most things in the world have meanings behind their name. When you hear "Showa" you may think it's something deep. Well, it's not. As mention way back in the day we have been in (Emperor) Hesei years for about 17 years and before that (the 80s) we were in the (Emperor) Showa years. So really Showa Daibutsu, is really "The Big 80s Buddha".

** Although most people consider shojin ryori to be Japan's vegetarian food, it doesn't have to be. The food is more about devotion and simplicity with the prepartion more so than specific food items. So, watch out for that random ham hock when eating in some places.

Friday, April 08, 2005

Come on back... 

Whoa! Mercury truly is in retrograde. This week has been something else. I have felt all turned around. I am sure some of it is related to returning from Australia. I felt like I needed a vacation from the vacation. Hopefully, this weekend will provide the opportunity for me to get back on target so I can end my semester with a BANG!

I have decided my final 2 classes to finish my Masters! YAY! I haven't signed up for them b/c a) it would be too much like right to sign up early and 2) a sistah still hasn't secured funding for this last bit of education. The good thing is that my classes will be on Tuesday and Thursday from 7 - 930ish. That's it. I will have mad time to *gulp* work and things like that.

Things will be kind of tight over the next few months. Time-wise. Money-wise. That's about it. To celebrate that (or really to indicate how tough things are) I got a promotion! YUP. Not only am I THE ALT, but I also get to supervise the students during cleaning time. They trust me enough (and have such a lack of teachers) that I can now officially tell the students to take out the trash, wipe off the desks, and vacuum the floor. What fun!

NOTE: I guess Blogger decided that they wanted to show me their new "recover post" feature by eating my post, THEN having the lovely option of getting it back.

Monday, April 04, 2005

Australia: Pictures 

Sydney: Sydney Bridge(1 & 2), Chinese Garden, View of Harbour from Observatory

Melbourne: Royal Botanical Gradens (1 & 2), Live at Federation Square

Great Ocean Road: Great Ocean Road, Inside a tree at Maits Rest, London Bridge

Australia: Inquiring Minds (may) Want to Know 

I took a about 230 photgraphs during my trip to Australia. I didn't even realize that I used my wonderful didg cam that much. I definitely want to visit Australia again. I only got to experience a fraction of all there is to do and see there. It's almost like people saying that they came to Japan and only visited Mutsu. It's wonderful! There's just more to see and do.

Looking through my photographs, I can see that I did a lot for 8/9 days. For my own memory's sake, I'll post a little brief here:

3/24: leave Tokyo (layover in Ho Chi Minh Airport)
3/25: arrive in Sydney; walked to Newtown in search of veggie delights; Cockatoo Island Music Festival: The Wailers; walked around Sydney Harbour
3/26: Opera House; ferry to Manly; The Rocks; Observatory view of the Harbour; Music Festival: Mohata
3/27: Chinese garden; Outback Centre; Darling Harbour (dinner at Sumac Rest.); Music Festival: Cubanismo
3/28: Darling Harbour; walk cross Sydney Bridge
3/29: leave Sydney; arrive in Melbourne; Flinders Station; Federation Square; Chinatown; met with TP; Fitzroy
3/30: City Circle Tram; Royal Botanical Gardens; Shrine of Remembrance
3/31: Great Ocean Road, Narana Creation/Indigenous Australian Cultural Center, Bells Beach, Maits Rest Rainforest, met some kaolas, The 12 Apostles, Loch Ard Gorge, London Bridge
4/1: Melbourne Aquarium
4/2: leave Melbourne (layover in Ho Chi Minh Airport)
4/3: arrive in Japan

Whew... a bit administrative (boring) but necessary for future reference.

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Australia: Final Four 

My last four and second half of my trip went pretty weel. I ran around so much in Sydney, that by the time i Got to Melbourne, I took it easy. I met up with a friend of a friend and had a nice time. It was cool to have someone to hang with for a good portion of the trip.

I saw a lotof the sites in the area and then took the Great Ocean Road tour a couple days ago. That took a lotout of me. On Friday, I slept in late and then went to the Aquarium with my (new) friend.

I ate Japanese food at least 3 times. It was pretty tasty. There were a good selection of veg food in the area where I stayed, so there were never any moments of hunger..YAY!

Right now, I am back in Ho Chi Minh airport. And, YES! They still will not allow me to go into the city, so...I am here checking e-mail. I plan on doing some reading and resting.

Okay...3 more minutes b4 I get kicked off...

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