
Thursday, June 30, 2005

..just a little unwell 

Today, I am the "crazy" one. I have to be. I just spent 15-minutes watching Japanese television while thinking I was watching a movie that I rented.

I put the video in the VCR and the movie seemed like this really strange, and horribly bad sci-fi-esque type thing. I had heard good reviews about the movie so I thought that maybe I needed to expand my mind and see what other folx have been talking about. The 2nd strange part was that the credits started rolling, but then again, I thought "hmm...strange, but maybe that's a feature of the movie....maybe it was a mini film or something". I wasn't paying complete attention to the TV.

After about 15 minutes, I started really paying attention and noticed...um, they aren't even speaking English anymore. The strangest thing was that I saw when the credits started rolling, the English show went off and the Japanese show came on, but I didn't even notice the language change.....who knows what I was watching, but it sure wasn't the movie....yup, crazy!

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

preferential or coincidental? 

I took my not-really-secret successor to see my first apartment. The one that I didn't want to live in. To my surprise, they actually cleaned out the apartment! It's still not in the condition as if they were presenting it to a Japanese person, but it looks significantly better. I would actually live there now.

When I returned the key, after the visit, they told me that they got the apartment cleaned. I am not sure of the reasons why they finally decided to get it done..

1. They actually realized that my complaints were valid
2. They wanted to start things out good with the new ALT
3. They felt that it wasn't worth it to get thngs cleaned when I asked the first time
4. The prefecture got on them about the situation
5. "Hmm...he's a man, we think we'll be nice(r) now..."


I want to know WHO remembers their SAT score over 10 years after taking the test? Of course, I remember a rounded give or take 50 - 75 points, but not really. I was browsing around and one temp position asked for my SAT score. I can barely remember my GRE score, much less my SAT score. Oh well, I guess I'll have to look that up at some point.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005


Curry vegetables and roti...yup, that's right I said it. I actually taught people to make curry vegetables and roti. It turned out great! I honestly think it's funny that I taught them to make roti (or roti-ish food) b/c I have actually never made roti myself before. As of now, I still haven't made any. I just watched and directed people in the process. At the end, all of the groups had curry that had it's own flavor. Sadly, I didn't take any pictures of anything.

For dessert, the class made delicious apple crisp. It was tasty, tasty, tasty...YUM!

Friday, June 24, 2005


A funny thing happened to me at the post office yesterday. As I was about to get out of the car, I realized that I rolled my window up...with my hair in the window! I am so glad I realized it before I tried to open the door...THAT would have been some serious pain. LOL

see...you don' know so... 

One needs a plane ticket to actually leave J. As of now, I don't have a ticket yet. Word is...I will get my money "sometime around the time I am scheduled to leave" which means...buy your ticket your self. Which then means to me, "buy the ticket when you can" b/c this sistah doesn't have the random $2500 to purchase a refundable/transferable* ticket. Somehow, people think I am independently rich.

Independently rich...I am not! I went to our cultural center to check the dates for a social "dance party" that's happening next week. They just happend to have a whole slew of kimono shops displaying kimono and the works. I told them that I wanted to look only. They gave me tea and then a dude came over to chat with me. I understood almost everything he said [my listening is getting better].

He toured me around to different stalls showing me the designs and explainining things. Kimono is beautiful but I didn't walk into the cultural center with an extra $4,000 to buy kimono. That money just covers the kimono, not the obi, undergarments, shoes, etc. It was nice to look at kimono however as I told the dude "I cannot buy kimono today" I had in my head you must be trippin...buy $4,000 kimono!...I don't even have my ticket home for next month yet.

* I don't really plan to spend that kind of money on the ticket anyhow.

Thursday, June 23, 2005


One thing I am proud of is how my students have advanced as writers. I know for a fact that I had a large influence in that part of their English language development. I have been grading papers for the past few days. The students are expressing themselves and sharing well thought out opinions without us having to ask them. I am actualy finding out things that I didn't even know.
...I introduce you our school uniform again. I think strange this year rules when we wear in summer. We often wear sweter on our uniform, but it can't do from this year. I can't understand this. The head of 3rd gread said to us "Neigbors called our school, and they worned to how to wear the uniform. We should change how to wear". This year rule is that we must not wear a sweter in school area, but it is strange. The fact is that we should not wear a sweater anywhere....

Aside from the grammatical mistakes, I was very impressed that she not only thought about the question but she chose to give her opinion.

I agree with her....that is strange. We The school tends to spend a lot of time on things that are not so important. I think proper dress code should be observed, but good...why can't they wear sweaters over their uniforms? I did notice a lot of 'swaeter vest' talk over the past month. I was wondering about it too. Every meeting the same thing....then in the mornings, they had teachers standing out in the street in addition to the school entrance. I guess they were making sure that students do not wear sweaters on the way to school. The people within the community are sometimes strange to me. They could care less about how well their students do in classes, whether or not the students are learning, and student responsibility...but oh no, if teachers are off in the summer, they call the school to complain....if the kids are at karaoke after school (even though the parents allow them to go by not saying 'no'), they call the school....it's very funny to me. I am so glad they don't make me do some of these little administrative things.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

blog anniversary!!!!! 

It's been a little over two years since I started this blog here. I don't even think I've posted on my other blog since starting this one. My first entry isn't much to mention but when I was looking through the archives, I came across this entry from Aug 8th:
I was finally able to explain that I was vegetarian and then he brought me a block of tofu. Okay, so tofu is alright, but it was the soft kind and it had NO SEASONING whatsoever, with the exception of some scallions on top. So the people I went out with each volunteered to conceal a piece of tofu in their soups so the man would not be offended.

Time always helps you put things into perspective. The same soft tofu w/ NO SEASONING :) is now one of the things that I like to eat here in J. My palette has changed and my mind and heart has opened up to things unexpected.

I usually do not respond directly to people. Actually, I usually write this blog like I am talking to mySelf (with the knowledge that a few people read this everyday). I decided that I will continue to write this for myself, but I will respond online to (almost) any questions that all 11 of you readers have. So go on....post a question or two.

It's my last month here in J. I remember my first 30 days like it was yesterday.

Friday, June 17, 2005

tell 'em why you mad Tak! 

I tend to be invisible to some people. So much that sometimes I have actually felt invisible here...it's part of my life here. Actually, it's more like I am this thing that can be discussed but (in most cases) not acknowledged. I went into a store today, and a woman was leaving as I was going from the parking lot to the store. After I got into the store, she comes back in.

Store Clerk (to the woman): Welcome.
Woman: Oh...what is she doing?
Store Clerk: She said she's just looking
Woman: Oh... (continues looking at me for the next 10 minutes, not saying anything)

All that in a tiny store with both the clerk and the woman a little bit further than an arm's reach away.

Yesterday, I told the two teachers that they should teach the class. They looked at me like I was crazy, but said a soft "okay". I didn't do much in the class...kind of like what they usually do. They were fumbling around and things like that, but I just kept quiet. After class, they said, "Thank you" and we all went about our merry ways.

Earlier today, I heard that in a brief convo amongst the English teachers yesterday it was said "She is mad, but we don't know why?"....LOL...very funny. Unfortunately the class was very bad and they still didn't think that it was important to communicate with me. Ummm...if you observe that something is wrong and you don't understand (even after 2 conversations), perhaps it would be good to take a moment to try and work some things out. I don't even think I am going to spend my energy explaining to them what I think and how I feel about things. It's a 3-day weekend and we have testing next week, so it will give me some time to marinate. The funny thing is ...I am not even mad :D

In related news...my students are SO wonderful...I am really going to miss them when I leave.

Thursday, June 16, 2005


Someone for got to invite me to the opening reception for "wil'-out-as-much-as-possible-before-she-leaves-Japan" month. Once again, folx are trippin'

:: rewind a smidge ::


I am not a "happy to wake up in the morning" type of person. Once I am up, it's immediately as if I was never asleep. The actually waking out of sleep part is tough for me. Always has, and probably always will be. After about a minute or so, I usually get up. My cell phone ringer [alarm] isn't very loud, so sometimes even if I am in another room or it's in my bag, I can't hear it that much. It's just enough to wake me up.


I woke up this morning to my upstairs neighbor doing construction in her apartment. In addition to one of her children running around she HAD to be making an addition to her apartment b/c there was NO need for the amount of bangin' that was going on. I finally heard my alarm after the banging woke me up. I turned off my alarm and a minute or two later, the bangin' stopped.

Hmmmm....either she finished that additional wing of the apartment very quickly OR she was bangin' and making all that noise b/c she heard my alarm. IF it is the later...I am blown. 1) her children run around and make noise like there is no one living down here on the first floor 2) I can barely hear the alarm, so how could she hear is so much as to make all that racket 3) that is some bold stuff!

Okay...so I guess that was today's contribution for "wil'-out-as-much-as-possible-before-she-leaves-Japan" month.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005


This is good teacher-sensei. He is excellent. He moved to the UK today. It really has been a blessing to work with him at my school. He's cool people. I will miss him very much...but maybe I'll catch him in the UK if I go before December.

When he found out that I decided to stay for a 2nd year, he said "I am not sure what I would have done if you left. I am so glad that you stayed." He needed support in a serious way at work. I am not sure if he realizes that he has been a great support to me too!


I had an extremely rough day today. By the time I left school, I was ready to get on a plane and fly far away
I had to deal with the same teachers as before. After they "talked" about the lesson who knows what, they came to me...still didn't have their acts together.
I was not in a mood to talk to anyone about anything other than my day. I wanted to vent a little, but had no one to vent to. So I went to my adult convo class tonight. Initially only one person came. To my surprise, he was very interested in learning more about life as an ALT and the Japanese school system. Perfect :D

Another student came after a half hour. So we spent an hour and a half talking and asking about my experiences and the education system. Their jaws dropped with a lot of things I said and that was mostly dealing with the factual information. Like the students only have to get 30% to pass and that many classes are not conducted in English. At the end of the session, I felt better b/c I got a chance to vent top people who actually wanted to hear about it.

Is it 4pm yet?! This day has been draining already. It's less that 24hours since the good teacher left my job and things are not good. For someone who usually referred to as "ALT" (in conversation and on paper), people have been looking at me to basically do their jobs for them.

The good teacher and I tried to set an example, but I am not realy sure if that worked. What's happening now is that he's gone (and even before then), people expect me to fill in the gaps do their jobs...not happening. I am not even sure if they realize it, but that's what I am getting from their actions. Today, I even had to go there and say
...You and XX haven't taught at all this semester...if I decided that I was not going to teach, someone would have a problem with it. Why is it unacceptable for me to do so, but it's acceptable for you to do so?...if I am going to plan the lessons, teach the lessons, create the tests, grade the tests, then the students should receive the grades that I give them, not what you think they should have gotten...you guys need to do some work

I just got bothered. I was trying to be patient...still!

In other news:
Full images and text of ちびくろ さんぼ [Chibikuro Sambo/ Little Black Sambo] are available on-line now. Sign the petition against the book.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

gray money 

I am glad that I learned how to work with and manage money at an early age. [Thanks Mommy and Daddy]. I remember having a credit union account when I was younger and before that I would make money pulling out my father's gray hairs. It was great business. I am sure if I did that now, with inflation and the increase in gray hairs, I would be RICH!

Anyway, back to money management. So I am definitely not independently or dependently rich, but I think I plan accordingly and use my money wisely. I could definitely use some help in the investment area, however I am working on that.

So why the money talk? Well after a 2-hour meeting yesterday with my English club after school, I came to the conclusion that at age 17 and 18 these girls have NO CLUE about money. It took us all of that time just to get get info on how much things would cost (these are things that they 'researched' in advance) and how much we would charge for the Takosai [my school's cultural festival]....I don't think I have gotten frustrated with them in a long time. Honestly, I was blown. I just couldn't believe that I had to tell them that if we spend Xyen on supplies to make something, then we have to charge a price that at least gives us back Xyen + profit. They finally got it towards the end, but I had to flex my muscles to get them to understand.

I am sure the whole unnecessary confusion is related to Japan's cultural relationship with money. I can't really explain it well, so I will try to find a link later. If it isn't related to a cultural thing, I wonder what in the world happened with this bunch of girls that they don't have a clue?

Anyway, got to go deal with the folx here about my money for my ticket home...we'll see if I get a straight answer. Those were hard to come by these past 2 years.

Saturday, June 11, 2005


I know a lot more Ray Charles song than I thought I knew. I just finished watching "Ray". Yes...it IS a year later, but hey, we don't have a movie theatre where I live. I just walked into the video store tonight and saw the video sitting there. I was surprised that we actually had it in our store, but then not surprised that it was just sitting on the shelf looking lonely. I am glad I had the chance to see the movie. I really enjoyed it.

It has been a night of surprises. At my school's brass band concert, they played a song "Rosa no...." something. Who's Rosa? Well, Rosa Parks. "We Shall Overcome" was played in the first part of the concert. Random...very random.

One of my favorite co-workers is moving to the UK next Wednesday. *sniffle, sniffle* I wonder if I will have any conversations at school within the next month?! LOL.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

in an organic nutshell 

My extended weekend in pictures...

::Brown Rice Cafe::

:: Aoyama "hieroglyphitti" ::

:: Plastic food in Yoyogi area ::

:: FOOD at Crayon House!
Herbaceous (Veg SIG) went out for dinner! ::

:: Hai pozu! At Crayon House using my
students' pose. KAWAII!::

RCA...not the TV kind 

Things are officially moving fast. When I got home from the re-contracting conference, I kind of wished I could just throw everything away in the trash. I am getting rid of a lot of stuff (most of it actually) but there are many things that I want to keep. I could NOT let anyone into my apartment right now. It looks a mess.

Anyway, my presentations at the conference were GREAT! I thought so. The attendees thought so...YAY! It felt good to see that other people wanted to address and incorporate global issues in the classroom. I was glad to be a resource to some people. At the conference I also met adventures of morry live in person!

On Saturday, I had a chance to have dinner with FS and see some of her work at the DF Gallery. Her photography is WONDERFUL! We ended our evening with some great food from Fujimamas. One word: BANGIN! I am glad that I went then, b/c when RM and I tried to go on Monday, they had employee appreciation day...thus closed :( "boo" for us..."yay" for their employees.

Friday, June 03, 2005


Sing, sing a song
Sing out loud
Sing out strong
Sing of good things not bad
Sing of happy not sad.

I love this song. It always reminds of school at St. Bridget's in NJ when I was younger. I think we used to sing it all the time. I had no idea that the Carpenters sang that song. I am not sure why I didn't know, especially after being here in the land of the longest-running Carpenters fan. One of my students sang it at karaoke eikaiwa the other night...I was so happy to hear it! Well, now that I know, when someone says, " Kapentas ...do you know?" I can actually say "YES!".

plug....BUY MY CAR!

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

look ma, no thermals! 

I will make my HS karaoke debut during the school festival. A student asked me to do a song for the karaoke part of the festival. It should be interesting. I have no idea what she wants to sing.

...because I don't want to see your sad face.

That is what my old supervisor just said to me. He wanted to make sure that they had food for me at a small lunch we are having tomorrow after the student teachers' presentation. They didn't order any food for me, but he felt that I shouldn't have to bring my own if no one else is...sweet guy!

today was my first no-thermals day that I have experienced in about 6 months. it feels good. I took a look at our little mountain here and the snow is almost melted. there is a little bit still on top. I am not sweatin' that too much, since I probably will not drive up there for a couple more weeks. it's safe to say that sprummer (spring/summer) has arrived!


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