
Monday, August 29, 2005

Aunty Me! 

I became an aunt today (again!)! YAY! Kanpai!

Friday, August 26, 2005

out of the loop 

It really hasn't been the time for me to blog yet. I have made a couple attempts to put my thoughts out there. However the computers, blogger, and some people haven't really been receptive to any type of dialogue. So as a result, I have been silent.

More to come though...as soon as I can get on here for more than a few minutes.

Thursday, August 18, 2005



It doesn't slow down.

It doesn't stop. It doesn't fast forward. It doesn't reverse or rewind.

It doesn't slow down or speed up.

It let's us age.

It doesn't erase.

Monday, August 15, 2005

i just spent the past hour or so observing the online version of things around me...WOW!...you learn a lot more things about people and their actions online than you do after asking them.


hey...i interviewed for two jobs last Thursday and got offered the positions at the interview so I will have some "income coming in" soon...yay! I am not really stressed or concerned about working though. If I could, I wouldn't even work. But since a sistah is not independently rich...I better get a job sometime in the next month or so.

i went to Phila. for a brief trip last night with RO/LSP with one of the bands that she manages. they tore the show up! it was great. the not so great part was the drive back home b/c a sistah was t-i-r-e-d!


some things are going on around me that I have had to observe since I returned here. hmmmm...still observing. a lot of it is ego related [other people, not mine], then the other part is um...ego-related [other people's, not mine].

observing...will soon gain some clarity.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

no wires 

yay! i'm wireless....i just got a wireless card. not much going on here. not really settled yet. still no job nor a (permanent) place to stay. too much stuff going on to even type here.

Saturday, August 06, 2005


:: A-Bomb Dome in Peace Memorial Park ::

Thursday, August 04, 2005

we are family... 

I have a confession to make. I am on someone's mailng list and I have no idea who they are. I don't mean a spammer or a company or organization. I mean a family/friends type list. I receive wedding pictures, updates on who's sick in the family and other family announcements. The things is...I have NO idea who this family or person is. To be honest, the name of main person who sends me things sounds familiar, but I am not sure if it's b/c I know her or that she has been e-ing me so long that it became familiar.

I have been meaning to e- her to explain, but in a way I have also been thinking that maybe...just maybe, I am a friend of this family and kind of forgot. Who knows. I just got an invite to the annual family ball. I could just show up and see if someone runs to me with a "hey girl...I haven't seen you in so long...when did you get back from J?..." But I guess that might not be worth the $40 charge for the ball.

I have to e- her soon :)

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Support Team Aya.Duafe 

The Washington AIDS Walk will be here very soon. It's time for me to get on the ball...let's recruiting...let's donation! The lovely DH of Yarn Tomato made a great button.

Let's use this lovely button as much as possible by clicking it to join Team Aya.Duafe on October 1st or to donate if you cannot walk in the DC Walk. The team goal is $2000 and my goal is $500.

so...click, click, click

(don't) look into my eyes 

the jet lag has come in real strong over the past day or so. the first 3 days were cool, but now my sleeping schedule is crazy. I was up until 4 AM. I took the time to look through some old photographs (and letters!). Times have changed since 1995.

:: ignore the look in the baby's eyes ::

We had a baby shower for my little sister on Saturday which turned out great. Family and friends came out so it was nice. I took a lot of pictures and spent most of the time doing co-hostess type things.

I slept until 12p today, so I will be up for a good bit of the evening.

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